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Everything posted by violets

  1. im distraught... she said she wants to just beg places to sell it for her then ben said she's releasing it worldwide making me assume its going to be an official mass produced book... then she talks about how she's going to just bring it some to LA shops and have them sell them when she's done binding them (herself??)... then suddenly she's able to ship some to brazil and other places because people asked... girl like is the book being mass produced or are you binding 50 yourself. like if its an official published piece of work doesn't that take a while to plan and have produced? and also won't it take more than $1 to make. how can you just say its going to be a self-binding process and be sold in bookstores around LA then suddenly you are able to mass ship them to other countries? seriously this girl has me feeling either im dumb or she is.
  2. why didn't she just shoot the cherry mv with chuck if other directors denied it.. or damn just do it herself clearly she can after seeing her old archive of mv's, i didn't expect it to be a super produced mv in the first place ik she said she would do it herself im just wondering why didn't she lmao
  3. im actually so excited for this shoot... i keep imagining what she might look like and how it might fit this era... i hope he gets her glammed tf up
  4. between ben and lana telling us totally different stuff i must say i have to trust ben, lana is seriously just fucking with us as revenge for whatever. its def gonna be released worldwide
  5. i really thought we were gonna be fed this month nnnnnn
  6. ok maybe im annoyed that this album is going to take forever BUT i am obsessed with her shoots with steven... its the only two magazines i ever got... something to look forward to finally!
  7. era is cancelled periodt because she clearly does not want to acknowledge NFR for some reason edit: just saw her twitter post... maybe she's starting sumn
  8. she really is having a blast rn on instagram comments
  9. ok muchos problemas with her post, first off why only in LA? didn't ben say worldwide? why is she trolling... also a few months?? isn't the book coming before the album... oh god. i seriously don't think her and ben have discussed anything that's why they are both always saying different fucking shit
  10. if she really pushed NFR for that... i...no words...
  11. "inside of my stomach the cosmos are baking" for a second i thought she was hinting she was pregnant but then remembered from middle school health that the baby is not in the stomach xx ok even though babies aint in the stomach... "a universe hung like a mobile"... bitch i may be delusional and bad at examining poems but sumn is up
  12. when she leaves the yard gate open and her 2 kids and cat escape and take NFR with them
  13. we really are the worst lmaoo this is going to flop tho
  14. at the person on chucks post saying "omg, chuck is the reason we get pretty astonishing visuals..." girl what visuals i- all we have gotten this era so far are re-used clips of lana swingin' around and LA traffic bitch why do people lie like that?
  15. what annoys me the most is that they don't even seem annoyed that big publishers like MTV and billboard are spreading false info ab her album?? like wtf?? it took us harassing you to finally say something. so unprofessional
  16. i love how 70% of the comments are about NFR when she is wishing her brother a happy birthday...
  17. i love how in october i was dying waiting for the first quarter of 2019 for this album... now thats almost passed already
  18. you guys are killing me... im over here thinking new single anytime this month
  19. i wish it was just that but ben's words "good music takes time to finish ..." im assuming he's referring literally to the recording of the tracks not the album in a whole
  20. thank you for saying it, i always feel bad because the girl can live her life who are we to tell her what to do! she seems to be enjoying life a lot now and i don't want to be negative and "ruin" it but sis at the end of the day you are in the middle of an era doing jack shit... cmon now lets step it up, like if NFR era didn't even start then girl id love that she's posting a lot and having fun but is it the time for this laid back shit?
  21. can they at least convince her to dye her hair blonde as well?
  22. with these instagram posts it feels like we aren't even in an era can her friends be useful and leak cinnamon for us? someone bribe them
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