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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. When’s their first (planned) tour stop? Maybe they’ll release the album before they start visiting festivals and all that.
  2. What if... the album is called cheer up baby...? Is it an Irish thing...? Achtung baby... Wasteland, baby...!
  3. I didn’t know about this song until a week ago BUT I AM HYPE!!! I’ve already fallen in love with so many of their unreleased tracks! If My king will be kind wont be on the album I’ll go to Ireland and protest on the streets
  4. No fighting in here please, people will have different opinions and that's perfectly fine.
  5. No idea, but it's so quiet that I'm starting to think it won't be out until the album is. :/
  6. HE'S ALIVE!! I believe this is from last week. Edit: omfg his voice is TOO BEAUTIFUL, it makes me wanna cry!!
  7. Ohh yeeaaahhh, I've seen those videos on YouTube!! Poor Lolly lmao!
  8. As a Child of Yosemite Falls, I have to love the song or else my dear cult leader's gonna have to kill me
  9. Hmmmm I don't like the sound of that! But then again, it took me some time to fall in love with UV and HM; UV because it was so dark and psychedelic-ish, HM because it was so minimalistic and slow.
  10. Oh don't worry, I'm very patient. I have lots of other music to listen to and things to keep my mind occupied with.
  11. LFL: Heroin, Get Free NRF: pretty much all of them, except for the remake of BAR AKA: yep, I really like some of the songs on it
  12. I'm seeing such mixed opinions on this album, now I'm nervous I'm not gonna like it.
  13. Wild guess here: the front pockets look a bit small and it looks like the cut goes in a little bit around the waistline (when I look at the store's pictures), so I'm gonna guess it's women sizes. But maybe @Elle can tell you?
  14. We're not too many mods on this site and I think it would be difficult to keep an eye on an extra thread, so for now, I think it's best to keep it like this.
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