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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I’m not always the best when it comes to expressing myself or my thoughts, but I’ll try my best.
  3. Oh yay, maybe I’ll be able to catch their interview after my evening class!
  4. Beta assets and data were found last year. https://zeldauniverse.net/2020/07/26/ocarina-of-time-prototype-content-surfaces-from-nintendo-data-breach/ https://zeldauniverse.net/2020/08/02/ocarina-of-times-beta-dungeon-has-been-reassembled-running-on-nintendo-64-hardware/ https://zeldauniverse.net/2021/01/20/early-zelda-64-build-found-beta-assets-discovered/ You can probably find more if you search around a little.
  5. She mentioned doing a country cover album and a folk cover album in the Mojo magazine article.
  6. Oh, uh, my mistake, lemme find your post and try to undo it. x) I didn’t read it too carefully since I try to avoid spoilers too. ^^’ edit: done! My apologies.
  7. I wonder if they’re the kids that listened to BTD when they were like 10 and haven’t developed much as a person yet, or if they found her music recently, are still fairly young and just prefer her BTD sound and lyrics... Maybe it would help if Lana played less BTD songs on tours.
  8. Hmm, that’s weird. I’ll try again tomorrow.
  9. The fact that I still can’t tell if “If this is the end” is a poem or song title because LFL’s long song titles make me question everything
  10. Just after she revealed the cover I think...? No, just a few days after, after the White House riots. Her energy seems low, her cheeks are red and she’s sniffling a little, so I took it as she’s been crying recently.
  11. Yes she did, it broke my heat to see her insta update with dried tears on her cheeks!
  12. I wonder if the reason she’s being so quiet is because she feels she’s gotten so much backlash the past year. She seemed so genuinely excited to reveal the release date and cover and then ended up crying when people complained about the cover (and saying she’s only having white people on it). I wonder if she’s just... careful or if her excitement just disappeared. “Fuck it, I'm not do anything if they’re only going to complain about everything” is the feeling I’m getting. And then there’s also the possibility that she’s not 100% satisfied with the final versions because Jack couldn’t work as closely with her once the pandemic hit. I wouldn’t be too surprised if she continues to lay on the low and just comes back to announce that the album is out and the white dress video.
  13. I turned their Cheer Up, Baby promo videos/GIFs into, well, GIFs, haha.
  14. Yeah, me neither, the only time I need to pay taxes is when I’ve bought things from the US. (Or Asia, but I’ve personally never ordered from there)
  15. I think she’s really happy for her sister’s sake.
  16. Congratulations to Chuck and her partner, I hope everything goes smoothly for them. <3
  17. I’d love a green vinyl in that shade and with Krug’s pictures on the cover, I didn’t really like the muted pastel green from Urban Outfitters.
  18. The left half of the cover looks so photoshopped haha, I get that they blurred out the background so the text appears clearer but still...!
  19. Ok does anyone else listen to radio stations every now and then? Which song would you like to hear on radio next? They’re currently playing COCC pretty frequently on my fav radio station where I live.
  20. Thank you! I guess you can say it’s for an imaginary video game. I made this for my graphics class so I don’t think we’ll make it into a real game, the next step is to draw buttons and stuff but, yeah, I don’t think we’ll make stuff moving and all that.
  21. I've been working really hard on this school assignment! I had to create a futuristic "deep forest" environment for the little deer samurai guy to be in, so in my mind, this world looks like a normal forest by daytime but turns into this unnatural neon-y forest by night time!
  22. I just can't stop listening to Venice on repeat today, it's THAT song and I'll never tire of it
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