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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  2. Tulsa Jesus freak is next, I have very high expectations of it after reading your reactions for a week. I don’t want it to be another Cherry, a bop I like for a week and then never listen to again.
  3. You know what. I’m gonna give in and listen to it anyway, I’m gonna be a wreck from lack of sleep but I can’t wait anymore. The sun is rising and I’m a little bit more awake now, I think I can listen through at least the first few songs before getting too sleepy again.
  4. Hello, good morning, I just woke up automatically and saw that the clock says 5:17 AM and aaahhh the album is up for streaming... I’ll wait a little longer before listening properly to it though, if I stream it now I’ll just fall asleep again, haha.
  5. @CyberCherry You might wanna warn your grandma of the rare but occasional scat porn posts that happen every year.
  6. @LanaDelJaco Hello, welcome to LanaBoards! I’m going to move your thread/post to the Chemtrails merch thread, just so you know that it didn’t magically disappear.
  7. You can nap a bit longer if you want, there’s like nine more hours left or something.
  8. I just know that Lana’s going to be mad at the times if she reads their review and the line about her trying on several costumes before finding herself.
  9. Yeah, I had to listen a little bit to make sure it wasn’t a real leak. And please don’t make fun of people for their covers, they’re probably just having fun.
  10. No small celebration planned, it's just another day for me. But I'm gonna go and visit dad's grave now, see ya later!
  11. Accurate, it snowed here until recently. It's too warm for it to stay on the ground though. I just want it to properly be spring soon.
  12. Just gonna repost this so it'll be easier to find for you guys :3 (this was posted like 10+ pages back I think)
  13. Mad about you is giving me late 90's-early 00's vibes and the strings Bond vibes Edit: wait a min... you shared one of their older songs, didn't you? lol I thought the video just had some 90's ~aesthetics~
  14. Okay everyone, please remember that this is an international fan forum so please translate your posts into English even if they're just a reply to one person.
  15. Yeah, it's because I don't live in the UK. It's okay though, I have a friend from here who said they might sell me one of their two copies.
  16. Never mind, the Spotify disk gets automatically taken away from my basket when I log in with my account.
  17. F that shit, I ain't gonna wake up at 5 or 6 just to listen to an album lol. I'm gonna wait until I'm properly awake. It sucks though, I really like just sitting for myself and listen to a new album in the middle of the night.
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