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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I honestly forgot that a LMLYLAW music video existed so I guess that the worst one of hers for me. I just wonder why they put the Lana substitute in a dark wig when she’s singing about being 19 in a white dress, wouldn’t it make more sense to let her wear a blonde wig? It was a cute video though, even with Lana’s broken arm.
  2. I was super excited to see Lana on the TV culture news but of course the reviewer only mentioned her controversies (“only white people on the cover!! And who are we listening to, which persona is this, Lana or Lizzy Grant???”) and she only spoke two sentences about her thoughts on the album. Basically “she sings prettily” and “I liked the album”. Okay. Why don’t you talk more about the album then? Ugh, I was so glad to see her on TV and then that old reviewer lady had to ruin it all.
  3. Someone @ me when you've figured out what Jack says in the background
  4. I keep thinking how Not all who wander sounds like an unreleased song we would find out five years after it got recorded. I'm so grateful it's on this album.
  5. Ok I'm done window shopping, that was cute. Much better than just having one single pop up store exclusive to LA.
  7. Radio station interviewed two Lana stans and didn't think of reaching out to me, how rude. They also played an edit of White Dress, but I don't know it's a radio edit? Possibly their own edit? Hard to tell, but it was definitely shorter than the album track. Oh okay, both the stans they interviewed were probably picked because they mentioned Lana in their new poetry book and the other quoted a song in their novel or whatever. I guess being a mod at the biggest fan forum isn't enough.
  8. Still can't believe I've had Yosemite for like 7 hours now. It's surreal. It's too beautiful.
  9. So I took my shower. And I opened the window afterwards and just stared at nothing for five minutes straight as Yosemite played. Yes, it made me cry again. This song is just too beautiful. It’s too sweet. Whoever she sings about in this song is so very lucky, I’d die if I got a song like this dedicated to me. I can’t really describe it well but I really, really love this song. A lot. Like shit, those high notes and the way she sings every word so sweetly. I love the “seasons will change, but we won’t change” lines. All the seasons lines, actually. And the “and then I was thinking, how deep was the canyon you came from?”, it’s a very beautiful was to describe someone coming from rock bottom to where they are today. This song is a career highlight and she was right to keep it for herself until now. This is the record it belongs to, she finally found a home for it. Class starts in fifteen minutes and I don’t want to leave this song for three hours, I want to keep it on repeat forever and dream away. I’ll tag @salvatore so they won’t miss this. I love you, friend. <3
  10. Tulsa Jesus Freak makes me want to become a Christian and join this fucked up cult she’s in.
  11. Okay, like, I need y’all to give me all proof of Lana being in Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas, wherever in her pre-fame days, Tulsa is making me believe in those headcanons of Lana being in a cult.
  12. I’ve been up for two hours listening to this album now, whew time just flies by. Maybe it’s time to get up and have some breakfast now, maybe I can stream the album while taking a shower before class starts. It’s a sunny morning you guys, not just literally but metaphorically too. We made it. Two years since the first mention of the album and four years after the first mention of Yosemite, we made it to here. And she did not disappoint, why was I all worried all this time.
  13. Time for me to close my COCC timeline and start writing on the next one lel
  14. Okay, album just finished. I’m definitely fully awake now. I’m sure this album will grow on me. Some songs are clearly pop, but the others belong more in a different genre I’m not used to. None of the songs really smacked me across the face and took my breath away the way Mariner’s or Venice did, but White Dress get close to that with her high, whispery voice pressing out as many words as possible under two seconds, making the song very intense for a moment. It also makes me think of the “I am my on-e-ly god” in Disco. TJF uses autocorrect properly, it brings something to a song and isn’t overused just because it’s a cool effect. I still don’t care much for For Free. Is a pretty song, the harmonies are perfect. I just... don’t feel it, I guess. Let me love you like a woman sounds better on the album, but I’m afraid that I still don’t care much for it either. But, like I’ve said before, I’m sure I’ll appreciate it one day when I can relate to the lyrics. Breaking up slowly was criminally short. They could’ve easily made it into a longer song with a gorgeous outro. I just feel, I dunno, that Norman had better transitions between the songs? Add a few seconds of silence after Tulsa and it would’ve been even better. This album clearly has better production though. And you can tell that it was made closely to Norman; the similar instruments in Wild at Heart and How to Disappear (does she sample HtD?), and the vague similarities between Dance till we die and Venice Bitch. I’m... Hmm, I don’t know if I like that. It bothers me a little. I hope it one day won’t. I don’t dislike the album. It’s definitely more cohesive than Norman - Yosemite actually sounds like it fits in here while BAR still feels like a pebble in the shoe on NFR! - and I’ll keep it on repeat the next days to get used to it even more. This album feels very Lizzy Grant and today’s Lana Del Rey at the same time. It’s very cool, and something I thought we might get one day but nothing I dared to hope for. I’ll come back and comment on Yosemite later. <3
  15. Okay I definitely have to listen to Yosemite again but I can say this: it managed to get a tear out of my eye.
  16. Not all those who wander are today’s Lana bringing back Lizzy Grant’s vocal layering. I love it. I’m really getting a Lizzy Grant vibe from this entire album so far, but, like, a modern take on Lizzy Grant.
  17. Dark but just a game gives me pre-fame Lana vibes at times, when it sounds as much pop as possible. I think it’ll grow on me, the verses are the best part.
  18. Is wild at heart supposed to have the same chords and instruments as how to disappear?
  19. Aaaahahaha, Lana is trending nr 2 WW on Twitter and Justin is currently 4th
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