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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Me too! I have Ice Cream Sundae stuck in my head right now, haha! I saw they have a schedule for concerts at festivals this summer, I wish I could go... it'd be so nice to support them this early in their careers and welcome them on their visit to Sweden but I won't go because I'm not vaccinated yet, and who knows, maybe they'll cancel last minute. Having a festival now feels a bit irresponsible.
  2. These final weeks are gonna pass by so fast, I just know it. March feels good, I'm optimistic!
  3. Hmm, I always expect her intro songs to be fantastic but I usually think other tracks on the albums are better, I think there'll be a song or two on COCC that will surprise us greatly. Like Yosemite. <3
  4. I'm just tired of reading 20-50 countdown a day while keeping an eye on the thread and I don't understand how they can be funny after a while. Now that's something that can be fun to me.
  5. Yeah, Justin and Lana don't have the same fanbase but he's probably bigger on radio and still has fans from the 00's and 10's who have coins to spend on him if they want to. Lana stans are crazy though so I don't think she'll do terribly in charts. I guess it depends, we are super hungry for her music (as always) but I don't know how exited the Beliebers are? (then again, the ones I've seen online seem to love Changes...) But Lana's never been too big on promo and usually sells well but does so-so on charts. I think she'll be alright.
  6. I don't play Tove very often but radio has been playing her and Martin Garrix' song Pressure pretty frequently lately and I like it every time I hear it.
  7. Like all the lines in Life is Beautiful, I tried to sing it but thought of dad at the same time and I ended up crying instead lol. The whole song just has this feeling of denial, you know, this can't be true, I don't want to admit it's true and you really want the person to come back to you. Ugh <3 But especially these lines: God wouldn't do that He knows how I feel I can't go through that And so, it's not real Life is still so beautiful [...] I don't believe this is the end And I still feel your heart's desire
  8. I took a glimpse at 2-5 pages and got the vibe, so I skipped the rest because I was sleeping during those pages anyway.
  9. Hello, welcome! Feel free to make a thread in the introduction section so we can get to know you better!
  10. True true, this is why I don't really wait for anything unless she posts a cover picture and date in the description. After almost four years on this site, I've learned to keep my expectations low when it comes to rollouts and announcements, haha.
  11. Hasn't every promo since Honeymoon (or LFL) been pretty lukewarm though? Edit: nevermind I changed my mind, Norman's was great but the rollout was terrible
  12. Maybe, I don't really keep up with all the info eclipse gives us tbh. A piano intro sounds belieable, it's the most frequently heard instrument in NFR! and I wouldn't be surprised if we heard more piano ballads on this album. (like Like a woman)
  13. Since this album is supposedly similar to NFR in sound, I certainly wouldn't mind a long intro a la Norman or something iconic like the guitar starting Cruel World.
  14. Ahaha, I wish I had your optimism, I'm just gonna stick to believing that miss Grant will post a link to the song 0.5-2 hours after it's release.
  15. But why would she post about it? It's not Friday in LA yet and isn't Lana pretty often late when announcing that a new song is out? (unless it's a radio premiere)
  16. True. I'm just saying that everyone should try to post something relevant or else I'll give them a warning point for spamming from now on. (I prefer to give a headsup than starting handing out WPs immediately - and if you don't listen after that, well...) I kinda want to give a point for all the "XX DAYS LEFT LET'S GOOOO [insert GIF]" posts too but I also don't want to kill the hype. I want you guys to be exited for the songs and the album, but there are better ways of expressing it than posting (to me and other staff members) irrelevant comments. I can be more strict if that's something you guys think would benefit the thread. It'll certainly be easier for users who don't check the thread very often to see if anything new has happened.
  17. I love how we always expect to hear something on Wednesday's when we're expecting something to drop on a Friday lol
  18. Please guys, don't post one-line comments with song lyrics or song titles and paste a GIF with it or I'll count it as spam.
  19. Spotify won’t tell your stats until the end of the year as far as I know.
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