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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. It must've been 20 years ago when dad accidentally gave me diluted wine on a hot day instead of homemade blackcurrant juice. (We used to store it in old wine bottles) When was the last time you listened to a song sung by a male singer?
  2. Currently singing along to all the tracks... Ahh, I love this record so much.
  3. Oh, also, radio played Like a woman like 2 hours ago while I was snoozing, I keep winning. I haven’t heard Lana on the radio so frequently ever before in my life.
  4. I was up til 3 AM last night, I’m too tired to check if you’ve behaved in the past pages or not uugghhh
  5. I'm three hours too late but Happy 35th anniversary to the video game series I've loved since I was kid, and still do, and brought me to where I am today and introduced me to many cool friends!
  6. Apparently an army of hamster is attacking her now? This is so random, I- Lmao
  7. Hey, no one’s a predator, stop it with that rumor. It’s been debunked many times. I believe you can discuss this topic without pointing fingers at others.
  8. The rarest thing I own are Hollyweird postcards, but I don’t know how rare they are.
  9. That’s only possible because I’m studying from home. Gas station kween is banned for not ending your sentence with a . !
  10. Banned for not recognizing your own taste
  11. Well, several people in the past pages should be glad I didn’t give them a warning point and put them on mod queue.
  12. I'm gonna move a couple of posts in the previous pages to another thread. Now guys, a mod can't always be online but please try to stay on topic.
  13. omfg my notification said it was a video and NATURALLY, I thought it was a teaser or announcement for White Dress
  14. Cool cool, thank you @Elle! Maybe I can make a guide for how to add Instagram posts in a couple of weeks then. ^^
  15. ... I just found a typo. : )))))) Edit: wait, there's two of them : )))))))
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