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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Just added it in the original post! If someone teaches me how to do it, then I'll make a guide.
  2. Hello! I hope this thread will be helpful to you whether you're a newbie or a regular visitor who needs a reminder on how to browse and use LanaBoards. How to use the front page How to change layout themes After the server update in 2020, LanaBoards looks slightly different from before. Now, you have the luxury to change layout pictures! If you'd like to switch the look, press the button called "Theme" at the very bottom of a page or thread. (CP mode is only for LB staff users, sorry!) How to edit your signature Click at the top right corner of any page, right where your profile picture can be seen. Click on "account settings" in the drop bar. Click on "Signature" to edit your signature! How to post in threads, add a picture, add a spoiler tag, and subscribe to a thread How to add YouTube videos and tweets Copy the url link to a video or tweet and paste it in your reply in a thread, or in your status update, or in your blog post. It should automatically change the url link to a video or tweet. (If anyone knows how to add Instagram posts, please let me know because I still haven't figured that out. Teach me, and I'll make a guide for others to use as well.) Please let me know if there's anything else you'd like to learn! Happy browsing!
  3. Please don't quote salv's post or it'll take thirty hours to scroll through this page Yeah, I had a feeling it wasn't, haha.
  4. A jacket in the style and color I’ve been wanting for years! It’s a men’s jacket so it’s a little too large over the shoulders on me and the sleeves are tiny bit too long, but I don’t mind! It’s my dream jacket, and I finally bought it was the price went down.
  5. Nope. Is that a thing? Do you own a planner?
  6. Banned for using eyes emoji instead of LanaBoard’s excellent selection of emoticons.
  7. Uh... good question! I cant remember! Must’ve been years ago. When was the last time you felt really inspired?
  8. True, the pandemic made it harder for them to work together and I guess she had some ideas she wanted to try... Maybe that’s why she postponed the release? Apart from hesitation whether Dealer would be on the album or not. I get what you’re saying, but I wouldn’t call them demos, COCC and Like a woman sound great to me.
  9. No? I'm pretty sure she wouldn't release them if she wasn't happy with the sound (or lyrics).
  10. He is but he’s messed up and flirts with pretty much everything and everyone he sees that it becomes a turn off. I’ll give yours 10 because it’s a great picture and I recognize it as you immediately.
  11. 10 for wearing a mask haha
  12. Please don’t encourage it.
  13. Not sure what’s happening in here, but I’d like everyone to avoid starting fights, calling each other names, being passive aggressive and bringing outside drama to LanaBoards. Thank you!
  14. omg radio's playing COCC again, it's so surreal to hear Lana on radio, I'll never get used to it... I'm still so used to when no one would play her songs. edit: nooo they cut her off in the middle of the bridge to the second chorus
  15. Maybe not, but that’s how I feel. :/
  16. I've disliked it since it was two months old. There's just no emotion in her voice.
  17. Just listened to Cherry for the first time in like a year or whatever, and I remembered why I never play it... Her voice is just so distant and non-engaging. This is why I barely listen to the album.
  18. My fav lines might be: "You got to go through the dark to get through the dark" "Dying my fried hair" and the "eats her out" line lmao
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