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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I think the lightning effect was added to the pictures? But I’m only guessing.
  2. Perfect hair gives me more joy. Whole grain or sourdough bread?
  3. Ah, nice! Swedish crowds can be a bit calm (and dull?) but it doesn’t matter if the band is great. Thanks!
  4. Sorry for bumping up, but has anyone here seen them live? They’re coming back home to Stockholm next year for a tour stop, tickets go on sale in a few days, and I guess I’m just curious. I haven’t played any of their albums in full (simply because I’m lazy I guess) but a lot of what I’ve heard sounds fantastic. And if they made Patti Smith cry, I guess they can’t be that bad live... And I guess it also depends on what the ticket prices will be. They’re quite popular here so maybe the tickets will sell out fast...
  5. I haven't heard any rumors, but I've been thinking to myself that Lana might make a song for the film since its taking place in Los Angeles during the Manson murders. It's supposed to be premiered next year (I just checked on IMDb lol), so I guess she'd have to make a song for it soon if they would use it. She's been pretty busy with the tour lately and having a small vacation.
  6. I heard somewhere that the music industry is changing a bit when it comes to releasing music, that it's becoming more important to release singles instead of whole albums since streaming has become such a big thing these days. Maybe she's just trying that in case these songs wouldn't be for an album?
  7. I'm the bolt, the lightning, the thunder Kind of girl who's gonna make you wonder Who you are and who you've been Good lyrics come THROUGH
  8. Agree, if she kept the babies on the tourlife line, because
  9. ^ Your whole member’s page should get a hall of fame, tbh. I love it.
  10. I was reading this thread earlier today, and omg I really do hope this will be Yosemite.
  11. Lana coming through to end this messy thread.
  12. I WAS NOT READY, here I was fangirling over Hozier and then Lana comes through and reminds me that she’s alive and AAAAHHHH :defeated: Omgggg, new songs NEXT WEEK??!! My poor fangirl heart will go wild for weeks! This sounded really good, I love the rhythm and the pace, the lyrics seem so far better than LFL and if this truly is Yosemite... WE DID IT GUYS! We never lost faith! Big thanks to cult leader @@salvatore for guiding us.
  13. I prefer Hozier over Kaleo tho, all his songs are golden. I hope your sis will be fine.
  14. First impression of the EP: NFWMB: cozy guitar like Work Song... “nothing fucks with my baby” sung in the most sexy way ever, I’m weak. Beautiful harmonies. Nina Cried Power: He totally floored me, I was clearly NOT ready for this, omfg. I can already tell that the upcoming album is gonna sound magnificent. Shrike: And aaahhh, it’s like we’re back in the forests of Wicklow County. Very acoustic and nice. Piano comes in after the first chorus. Interesting vocals. Did not expect it to end so abruptly though. Moment’s Silence (Common Tongue): sounds a bit rockabilly, reminds me of the band Kaleo for some reason. Omg, I love for this. A great love song, very catchy.
  15. THE DRUMS AND HIS VOICE OMGGGG :defeated: I’ll have this on repeat forever! Drums, powerful chorus, background singers and a smooth bass!! ^ I’m sure the EP will be up for streaming as soon as this radio show is over, its release day is today. Mavis Staples was in his mind while writing NCP, he felt that he needed someone more on the song to make it justice. He had “loads of ideas” for this album. The EP will have four songs, more after that(?) and the album(?) next year if I heard right. He just shared a link to play Nina Cried Power: https://Hozier.lnk.to/NCPTW I ALREADY LOVE THE SONG, SO EFFING POWERFUL! :defeated:
  16. I would if I knew how, but I’m also on my phone. >___< They started with playing Take me to church. Just announced that Nina Cried Power will be played at 7:30 and now they put on a record by Dua Lipa lol. I hope he’ll be interviewed soon. Edit, 20 mins later: Ok, no interview before the song I guess.
  17. Hozier will be on in any minute now! https://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/player/bbc_radio_one#
  18. Only Lana vinyls Do you own any perfume or fragnance?
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