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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Crap. Sheeran already won best live. How?? Ok, lemme see if U2 won best rock (not that they really need it but...)
  2. Ok so 30 sec's last album (2013) got a metacritic score of 62. LFL has 78. Ultraviolence, from around the same time (2014), got 74. We already know who's the winner here, in reality. http://www.metacritic.com/music/love-lust-faith-+-dreams/thirty-seconds-to-mars
  3. Guys. My internet friend tweeted "I knew 30 seconds would win so I didn't even bother to vote, congrats" and I'm so #triggered. Help, this isn't healthy.
  4. Ok let U2 win Best Rock and/or Best Live pleeaasseee, I voted for them so much. Coldplay can win too, but U2 will forever have special place in my heart.
  5. I'd rather see Lorde win, I haven't heard anything about 20 sec this year? The buzz has all been on Lana and Lorde this year.
  6. Well. Ok. Always good to hear the good countrywoman Zara. I'll stay up to see U2. Anyways.
  7. I KNEW IT WAS GUCCI!! The flowers + her close connections to the brand made me suspicious! Is it velvet? It looked like velvet on the Lana pictures. ♥
  8. The dress is STUNNING (is it velvet??) and so is she! I tried searching for the dress (Gucci, Erdem, Prada...), but no luck - I guess we'll see what the magazines writes! I bet some fashion magazine will find out what dress she's wearing.
  9. The cutest dork ever https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOdHp3fXkAAOS-F.jpg:large
  10. Lana took some selfies, we might expect to see them later. https://twitter.com/HugoGloss/status/929793083310473221
  11. She looks like a grown, sexy woman who knows what she likes and knows what looks good on her. The dress really suits her image, style and age. Wow. Just wow.
  12. Weren't all the nominees from UK? Were any of them form Ireland? Sweet, short, questions about what it's like to work with the artists she featured in her album. I filmed a short clip on my insta story. (@clampigirl)
  13. SLAY ME MAMA YESS 80's shoulders and bring those peace flowers with you to the show, baby!! I'M ALIVE FOLKS, I'M ALIIIVVVEEE The dress!! The hair!! Those sparkly shoes!! THOSE LEGS!!!
  14. Fixed it. Praying for a Lana and U2 moment. (I hope they mean that U2 will perform live tonight and not the recording they had yesterday)
  16. I love American but that part is so... bleh. Like, "yep, you clearly don't know what you're saying".
  17. Livestream for MTV EMA London 2017: Link: http://www.mtvema.com/live Red carpet: 6:15 PM // 18:15 Pre-show: 8 PM // 20:00 Award show: 9 PM // 21:00 Local time!! Two of their cameras have already begun filming parts of the red carpet I think, so hit the link and shout when you see Lana!
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