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Everything posted by paradisetropico

  1. do you think lana liked the Hollywood sadcore thing and put the gun emoji as a way to show she is killing it or what does it mean? is she tryna kill that stereotype?
  2. can someone explain what the ‘violet blue green red” is that drugs? Pills?
  3. SHE IS SLAYING THIS LOOK I am getting 2014 UV vibes... HER hair is beautiful, I love the length and part
  4. when I was a vegetarian for a year I gained lot of weight because of CARBS and thats the tea!
  5. I feel like Norman Fucking Rockwell could be a reworking in some form of BAR... or at least in its message. Im so pumped for the new record. I hope she SERVES some bad bitch vibes...
  6. ladies... this album is not gonna be for radio... hunties in her latest interviews she expresses this...
  7. Chuck just tweeted a longer upcoming project soon to come from the split footage from VB & MAC...
  8. she mentioned the record has 11 songs (including MAC & VB) I hope she is growing her hair out !!!! and getting ideas for videos (at least for the 2 she said are the best she has ever written before) fingers crossed
  9. trust no one. should be the name of the next record!!! UGH why can't she
  10. paradisetropico

    Venice Bitch

    pretty please someone record the Beats Interview tomorrow ill be forever grateful
  11. im already anxious for it. wow her mind. a true marketing legend.
  12. praying she will bring back her nails. ugh I miss her effort she used to put into her lewks
  13. this Is so fascinating ... I love it so so much, I could read this all day long... I also think it would be so beautiful if they could grab coffee and work things out; but who knows. Also, I wonder, do you guys think she is gonna take the "darkness, the deepness" from her art? I hope not. its a beautiful and remarkable part of what makes her music so relatable and honest and intimate I love the new sentiment of love and not being constantly in a dark mood; but I hope she realizes (her fans and critics mainly) realize that you can't have light without dark; nor dark without light. so I hope she still will create darker melodies... but just me I guess... lmao
  14. I want her to write whatever it is that she sees fit; I just remember her Pitchfork interview after the LFL album was released & in the audio interview she mentioned after he asked her "are you happy? is this what the album is about" and she responded "no, that's not what its about, I don't know what its about" and I just wonder if she herself even knows.... idk I am just curious as to what this next era is gonna be about. & I would like her to stick to her guns and not conform to the critics...
  15. I am so curious as to the tone & mood of the next record? I really miss her old style & iconic world she crafted...the mystery. & the Paradise Tour looks were Captivating & so Unique(to our time) I fell in love with Lana because of the poetry (im so happy she's thinking of poetry book ) and relatable lyrics. I really hate the whole categorizing her as "happy" or "sad" & also how fans keep pushing her to take us into the "blue" its annoying to me. like it is not her responsibility, she's just creating music & words & experiences for us to cherish thru her melodies... she shouldn't be caving to the critics, and I worry she is.. or was.. and I hope she sees she can do whatever she wants with her music and world... I loved MAC & it was so subdued and solemn I just wanna know what you all think? do you see her changing & making a stupid "happy" music record as ppl want to stereotype it (I truly truly hope not) [i am not a fan of Bruno Mars happy clean music, and I just hope she remains REAL. like her cover for Mac was serving bad b*tch vibes & I love it]
  16. YES THIS^^^^^^ Ryan Murphy is screwing this iconic show all up; I am so disappointed by the way the fallout was depicted... truly not good... its unfortunate tbh
  17. the humorous tone is ANNOYING... it is the freaking APOCOLYPSE... why do they use comedy in it, it isn't good anymore. its like it should be on Comedy Central....
  18. I think it is interesting how she mentioned in the BBC interview she had a bit of some writers block last fall...
  19. I just am so so happy MAC is authentic, raw, and seems to paint a story - personal to LDR - it makes the music so much more relatable again - (unlike with LFL) - and I just am so thankful for this beautiful song... also I am sick and tired of ppl using labels such as "happy" and "sad" it shouldn't be labeled and boxed up... let the music and lyrics express experiences she has had, to which we can relate to and find comfort in the unification of life's struggle
  20. plz someone record the interview... I will be in class
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