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Everything posted by HEARTCORE


    Britney Spears

    fantastic video, so sexy & sensual and gorgeous. Loved the lesbian chic between Godney and Tinashe. Her best video this side of Toxic
  2. Sarah is still the only one to have her character survive each season
  3. ???? How would flora be queenie That was the finale, we don't know what happened next
  4. The last few scenes weren't found footage lol...the news story about the siege is the last part of the "filmed" footage, that's why the screen goes dark and looks like it's been turned off; after that scene, it's supposed to be "real" stuff. Yes you can show real death on TV. It's highly controversial, but it's not illegal and has been done before. If there's any shadow of doubt in the jury's mind, they can't send someone to jail. You have to be 100% sure of the defendant's guilt if you convict them; otherwise, the law requires you to let them go free. And people have been acquitted of murder + worse crimes on an even weaker defence. Also this is a show which has had aliens, ghosts, witches etc I think you can dispense with the 'realistic' element lol

    Britney Spears

    18th November @ 8AM GMT.

    Lady Gaga

    Come to Mama is average compared to the stellar other tracks (including the deluxe ones)

    Britney Spears

    Well we already knew that she was only going to do the second verse, a chorus and adlibs so

    Britney Spears

    Slaughter Party remix is OUT! It's hot

    Charli XCX

    ive been mostly out of the loop with Charlotte, which songs do we have so far? I only have Vroom Vroom EP and After the Afterparty
  10. omggg i used to be OBSESSED with this lol. new leaf is definitely the best in the series, although i have fond memories of playing Wild World
  11. um no i kinda disagree here, anybody that names Fart Deco or 20-bore as their favourite Lana songs needs their application and account on here TERMINATED
  12. Their license probably expired and I guess that FOX dont want to renew it
  13. P much this. It's highly unlikely she's just going to be "Marina"
  14. Yes! I'm glad they cut the episodes down, it would have had too much filler
  15. I'm so GLAD Taissa died, I hate all of her characters so much.
  16. i got some exclusive news i 4got to tell you guys omg!!!!!!! so basically!!!! the new album is coming soon
  17. We kinda know what Scathach looks like, she appeared in Return to Roanoke when Matt is having sex with her, but you couldn't see her face very well. No word on who will play her in a later season.

    Britney Spears

    She'd never be able to do it justicd

    Britney Spears

    All of B&A's other work is flawless but just not Unusual Poo

    Britney Spears

    The lyrics are great but I just can't the production. I LOVE every other B&A track but I can't stand this one

    Britney Spears

    Never really understood the hype for Unusual Poo, it's probably my least favourite on the album Man on the Moon is beautiful & stunning, but UY is just...shit
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