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Posts posted by HEARTCORE

  1. It's definitely 'zoom', despite it not making much sense, but tbh she did also write 'he used to call me DN/that stood for deadly nightshade' so we already know she has a knack for shoving words in to fit

  2. Finished watching Asylum 2 days ago...WOW. Now THAT was the kind of horror I was expecting from a show named 'American Horror Story'! The whole series was so dark and creepy, it was fantastic. I felt that Murder House was too 'normal' and didn't feel horrific at all. Unlike Asylum, I didn't really feel gripped by it or anything. I can't praise Asylum highly enough, the cast/writing/everything was just done to perfection. And that ending! WHEW. The ONLY criticism I have is that I feel like Lana got out of the asylum far too easy. Mother Superior just...led her out of there? That felt like a cheap, handy exit for Lana. But I'm glad that her character carried on undergoing development after she had left.


    Now onto Coven!

  3. Yeah we all know what happened the last time someone said that. Just calm down, if you read it again it says he made a screen for all the tracks on the album so the label could use whatever ones they need instead of coming back to him to make another when they need it.

    I said we 'might' get videos for all the tracks, not that we 'will' + the excitement was for the fact that it could be coming this year.

  4. apparently a pattern was established with the release of Froot


    10/10 (release of Froot), 1/1 (something related to the album)


    but what is 11/11 and 12/12 then


    MAYBE 11/11 cover art and 12/12 tracklist???? or maybe a proper single on one of these two dates

  5. NEWS!!!!!! (with thanks to rpvee on marinaboards)


    a graphic designer uploaded this video to vimeo:



    with the description:


    Title treatment + looping animation created for Marina and the Diamonds' 2014 album "Froot" to be used on all album tracks. I gave the label a 'toolkit' consisting of two files--a title and some floating spacefruit--which their video team could stitch together to fit the length of the track.  






    :cumming:  :cumming:  :cumming:  :cumming:  :cumming:  :cumming:  :cumming2:  :cumming2:  :cumming2:  :cumming2:  :cumming2:  :cumming2:

  6. "The rep adds, "Her statements are false. It is important to note that these are just the latest in a series of bizarre public statements and actions by Kesha and her mother over the years, including Kesha's claim her vagina is 'haunted,' her drinking her own urine on her reality show, and her mother dressing up as a penis on the television show."


    That's weird, because I don't remember Luke being at ALL concerned with Ke$ha's statements before - he was pretty much quiet about them all...but now that she's exposing the truth about him, he suddenly feels that they're 'bizarre'? 




    It is a weak attempt to try and discredit Ke$ha. He is a disgusting scumbag and I hope he suffers greatly because of this. 

  7. Don't know how unpopular this is, but I wish she did more monologues for her videos. They're so interesting to listen to and I especially love it when she recites poetry in then (eg I Sing The Body Electric in Tropico). Her voice is really suited to it and I just enjoy the way she speaks in the Tropico & National Anthem monologues SO much.


    I'd also love another film for Ultraviolence a la Tropico, but that's another matter.

  8. she just did a (brief) Q&A via Facebook and confirmed the following:


    -iTunes link for Froot 'coming soon'

    -She is planning a lot of things for the album

    -She 'finally did what she wanted' with this new album

    -Every song is 'quite different' from the next song on the album

    -The 'motherfucker' snippet is from an album song

    -Bubblegum Bitch is her favourite to perform live

    -She is 'friends' with Facebook again now (so we can assume she will be posting more often on there!)

    -She liked a comment asking if there would be a vinyl release of the album

    -Writing/recording for the album began in July 2012

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