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Everything posted by Cloudbusting

  1. Brooklyn Bible deserves to be up there. The lyrics (specially the second verse), the drums and the soft-happy guitar make it one of the best songs she has ever included on a record. Also the damn bridge. Now some of you may see some lines as "cringey" but they're very Lana, very representative of what she does. Black Beauty is another masterpiece But dragging Heroin is unnecessary especially when it's better than Black Beauty Also I think the demo is better
  2. I love Prince Johnny. It has an eerie vibe
  3. Cloudbusting

    Song vs. Song

    Terrence Loves You vs 13 Beaches
  4. Cloudbusting

    Song vs. Song

    Old Money vs Terrence Loves You
  5. Cloudbusting


    In Raibows is my favorite album by them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq2VStLSYW0 Paranoid Android is my favorite song by them, it's so well done. It combines three types of sound and it has this "electronic" sound in the guitar
  6. But we have the clean version. I usually hear that one because I love the drum roll before the chorus
  7. Cloudbusting


    I only heard this clearly because it’s filtered (I guess). I can’t understand anything else
  8. Cloudbusting


    I don’t know if it’s because English is not our first language (a lot of foreigners can understand the hidden lyrics) but I can’t hear anything clearly either Like, where’s the “hallelujah”? I can’t hear it anywhere.
  9. I based my post on the LFL rates thread, not on my opinion http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/9675-the-lanaboards-lust-for-life-rate/page-1
  10. Lmao I remember thinking the same. June was so boring. Such a dry month Remembering June makes me appreciate the fact that we have all the songs released now. Except for you know who
  11. Okay you can totally post and everything but swearing like that against another member might get you some WP’s
  12. Imagine thinking Wigside is bad. According to LB (so far), the worst three songs are WM, IMF and Coachella but it’s not a surprise.
  13. imagine thinking that giving Change a 1 is okay
  14. It has a lot of energy and the instrumental is very nice. The lyrics and the length... not so much I still like it more than Our Honeymoooooooooooon
  15. Since y'all are the queens and kings of taste, Heroin has a 9.6 overall with multiple 11's and one 6
  16. So far, Coachella has a rating of 4.8 (according to 28 replies in the rate thread)
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