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Everything posted by Cloudbusting

  1. 'Cause there would be nothing better for a Cherry video than Lana hanging around in a garden? I said what I said Not that UV style video would be any better. I hope the video has something going on.
  2. @@Terrence Loves Me I'm so sorry. I promise you I won't be nominating you for Worst Taste anymore. God bless.
  3. They were putting posters in LA, they made an snapchat filter for the song. I think it wasn't supposed to come out until late March/early April? But the promotion plan would've been good (or at least better than her previous promotion plans) and maybe the song would've reached a higher spot on the charts if it wasn't for the leak.
  4. No. Tracks 8 and 14 exist Do you agree that LFL will proably be snubbed at the Grammy's?
  5. On TNC he sounds eerily similar to his father though. Log O F F
  6. An actual valid argument Okay everything's fine, nobody has slandered Herowig or Cherry yet
  7. Okay let's not take it that far In My Feelings may not be the best but it's enjoyable unlike Betty Flop Flop
  8. They're both slightly better than Beautiful People, I don't care it features Stevie Wigs
  9. Love is conflictive because I love it but it feels like LFL's adopted kid. Also only Get Free works as a closer so it's also a bad idea to put it at the end of the record. Thirteen Beaches would definetely be a killer opener, if only the strings at the intro were louder and longer (i think?)
  10. We already know that @@subversive light and @@Terrence Loves Me won't like it
  11. Maybe it sounds like a happy A.K.A. song, I'm thinking of a happy version of Pawn Shop Blues, except more ethereal. I don't know why but I always imagine Yosemite with bells in the production. I know it's acoustic but it would scalp me
  12. We definetely need news on the supposed EP (which I don't think is happening), and we also need the tour to start so we can have something 'on topic' to talk about But if the EP does happen, we'll have a thread for that right? And we'll probably have a thread for every show on the tour so maybe we can consider this thread dead already
  13. She created Witness, what could we expect? jk obviously, one thing has nothing to do with the other Where did she say she's happy with it?
  14. I’ve been wondering too, also where is @frankie? Where is the queen of math @? and what about all these children?
  15. I’m also worried about Mexico. Our legislators are highly stupid and will copy things that the US has done for the sake of being “progressive” (at least they legalized same sex marriage ) We also have laws that don’t allow this to happen but it’s not that hard to change the laws. Mess
  16. They didn’t listen to the people’s protests. Yay for democracy. Yay for the land of the freedom Btw there’s no way this is real Probably still not over, though.
  17. I wanna live in this alternative dimension The brand names could be better though (and I wouldn’t be here for a football team)
  18. The website says that the story “seems to be fake” I rated Groupie Bop with a 7.5 but idk. I love the verses so much and I don’t really think A$AP ruined the song, I just think he was kinda unnecessary for the song. Maybe it’s a personal 8 or 8.5 since I love it so much.
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