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Everything posted by Cloudbusting

  1. She looks so hot (not that it's a surprise though)
  2. Love them. Light brown eyes.
  3. If it had strings and better worded lyrics in the second verse, I would have been down for Lana calling it Ride, Pt. 2.
  4. I love Stevie, I really do but this made me scream omg
  5. love it greek food? (personally i love it omg)
  6. Never been there. Yellow clothes
  7. She upgraded the site's capacity but we have to use the threads we already have as much as possible (and maybe donate, if we want/can)
  8. Clampi serving the Idk, I kinda liked the mess. Also the music was better than most of HM's music imo. Everything about this era was less boring. And yeah I also like you as a member, I think you add a lot to the discussions but this could be on the Post-Release Thread Elle has said that a lot of threads can drain the site's capacity and break down again.
  9. Not when we have Tomorrow Never Came featuring Sean Ono Lemon
  10. Not actually a bad idea lmao. He's going to be president for 3 more years so let's expect a shit parade. We can just put all of his stupid decisions/opinions there.
  11. Didn't you once say that you were starting to like TNC? Subtle Cherry slander lol. Tbh I think that her vocals in cherry are some of the best in the album, but GL is good too
  12. Yep, this will sound super basic but I think it's sexier. Do you agree that orange clothes don't look good?
  13. Totally Do you agree that not everyone can have a tattoo? (like it just can't look good on some people)
  14. sis what Yes I do, some people can be shitty and demand your forgiveness because they're "your friend" Do you agree that scottish accent is sexy?
  15. Yes I do Do you agree that Jersey Shore is stupid?
  16. 10 Lana looks so hot in that pic Oh look at that, my 1500th post.
  17. Lmaooo. I think I brought that up some time after the leak happened. I think that UV's snippets leaked before the album too so I thought that it could happen again. Lana is sooo predictable lol
  18. Lmao now we're even because you called Heroin "the song for sleeping" in the Spanish thread. Also, wow, I should've said "bookmark me" and bring it up later. We all saw that coming though. Probably Heroin will be included too in the world tour (I hope )
  19. I like his part but Summer Bummer was enough A$AP for LFL. I don't think his part really ads something to the song. It would be better if the song had one of Lana's world famous bridges instead of his verse. And more strings. Lana was born for strings and guitars.
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