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Everything posted by ultrabanisters

  1. lfl has grown on me so much over time but this finally clicked omg her mind knows no bounds of genius
  2. (page) 7+8+0=15 15+(ldr)9=24 24-15=9 9 = lana del reys 9th album ALBUM OUT MIDNIGHT
  3. wait update: relistened to GNR for probably the 5th time in my life the bridge wow that for ldr9
  4. @TheDollClub coming back a page before page 777 maybe it's a sign
  5. the only leaked/unreleased songs i want on albums are - valley of the dolls - roses bloom for you neither of which being truly leaked because VOTD is basically a voice memo and RBFY is just an instagram post but imagine a reworked version of both
  6. lyric book and heart necklace restock with her new perfume line out next week
  7. deluded and dramatic to fish for attention by posting that you have unleaked material and then act all high and mighty when people expectedly ask you about said material
  8. the ever elusive VALLEY OF THE DOLLS coming to ldr9 in my dreams
  9. she's so darksided she knows what she's doing
  10. i wanna move so bad but i'm just gonna jiggle my leg for a bit because neil has proved himself to be a cocktease atm...
  11. just want another paradise/ultraviolence/honeymoon slay tbh
  12. grilled pineapple sitting on the serrated ornate mantle, for we're hungry - drenched shiny fats
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