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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. the record store says it’s an exclusive repress to that site… i know that rarely means anything because they pop up on loads of sites incl lanas own, but do we think itll be sold by her official store?
  2. ultrablvd


    these two songs are my two of my favourite (non-lana) releases of the year so far star is so gorgeous. i love the instrumentation on it so much and the lyrics speak to me more than laurel hell did. the slow build (added drums on second verse to more instrumentation in the second chorus) up to the last 30 second fuck fest of sound is just so UGH you know i’d always been alone till you taught me go live for somebody that love is like a star it’s gone, we just see it shining 'cause it's travelled very far i love heaven just as much. it’s got a really interesting country twang to it. her vocals are especially pretty to me here. the delivery around “now i bend like a willow thinking of you, like a murmuring brook curving about you” nearly made me bawl in the shop today and i don’t know why. ive never really delved into her lyricism over the years as much as i have over these three tracks every time i think she has reached her musical peak she surprises me. i’m so glad she makes such unique music
  3. it’s… fine… i guess?? i don’t know i like the font and logo and probably prefer it to the standard cover which is absolutely hideous
  4. not even mad it’s the only nfr i don’t have anymore because i sold mine
  5. ultrablvd


    really interesting i didnt know drew did work on this album so excited!! love star and heaven sososo much
  6. lana could easily sell out the same venues and taylor swift but you didnt hear that from me
  7. i have to laugh because truly what the fuck
  8. ive been there but usually resale sites have guarentees (i know stubhub and viagogo do) so check!!
  9. fake if it’s short and muffled it’s ai and/or a twink singing
  10. cola type instrumental with fingertips introspective esque lyrics
  11. u-turning on everything i said the other day yeah imma need her ahsz to make music on the same level of excellence as ultraviolence again like that album is a cover to cover non-skip classic… shades of cool… west coast… cruel world… all contained in one album
  12. good luck girls kinda glad shes not doing europe dates (yet) because i need a break from ticketmaster
  13. yeah if a user dms you i would highly recommend not clicking on any links or doing anything on the dark web
  14. ultrablvd

    Taylor Swift

    this thread deservedly clearing her yup
  15. certain users when ldr10 is an album with songs and music: i will eat up whatever she puts out
  16. idk it worked for dan auerbach some people need pushing creativity to expose layers they didnt know they had artistically. thats not to say lana isnt an incredible writer and musician without being pushed, because she is. but what could be if her and jack helped eachother in that respect? idk
  17. ultrablvd


    star and heaven are both gorgeous i wasnt expecting two tracks cannot WAIT for this record
  18. honestly not even alot for our standards i was expecting more get typing girls
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