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Future Jazz

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Posts posted by Future Jazz

  1. 6 hours ago, Rorman Nockwell said:


    1. People get mad when honeymouns uploads something

    2. People get mad when honeymouns DOESN'T upload something

    3. People get mad when honeymouns breathes

    He does not leak upcoming content. Meanwhile there are people that leak her upcoming content contrary to her (very clear) wishes and they don't get half as much criticism as he does

    Make it make sense

    Question the CULTURE

    this isn’t related to honeymouns butno one knows who leaked the snippets for ocean boulevard tracks so of course they don’t get that much criticism, who would there be to criticize? if some people we knew did that they’d get dragged because we know that hurts lana 

  2. 2 minutes ago, The Siren said:

    ok here's the draft as of now



    and Ave Maria? any vocals? is that snippet with vocals from a year or two ago real?


    @blackoutzone i was gonna wait to ask more questions cos i didnt wanna seem like a bother but it looks like you dont mind at the moment. you can answer later if you dont want to now


    • what is the title Trans Am? a song title, project title or a code name so the real title cannot be revealed? image + cropped image
    • are Yes to Heaven versions 1 + 2 being stem edits of one single version (IanadeIrey on LBs made a mix of both cos it seemed like both versions were missing something and putting them together made it feel more complete)
    • any Lizzy Grant era tea we dont know
    • can you help decipher the titles here? we have a rough idea of whats here but its very blurry
    • any idea about this title? full title of Lake Placid?
    • is the west coast radio mix and west coast rick nowels version the one version?
    • Talking like an Answering Machine - Real or mistakenly registered song
    • which session(s) did LMLYLAW stem from?
    • any info on the track Melancholia? who produced it? which part(s) were reused for UV?

    also whats your LBs display name if you remember? there is a BlackoutZone but its an unused dormant account, likely not yours

    that’s so good!!

  3. Just now, keps2013 said:

    Sacha did Without you & Because of You!

    If you’re talking about songs in general…..

    oh i didn’t even know that!! thank you :smile2:

    i’m still not ready to say goodbye… i remember discovering the title morricone on a fake honeymoon tracklist in august 2015 and finding out it was registered… :judgingu:

  4. i was not ready for the existence of piano theme and morricone to get debunked :lange: i wonder if there are actual songs she made with that producer, and why piano theme and morricone were even registered to begin with…

    i hope he’s going to confirm or debunk the existence of talking like an answering machine :ma:

  5. 9 minutes ago, the ocean said:

    i've seen a lot of very misogynistic and ageist stuff thrown at kylie, madonna & beyoncé recently just for the record :xgiggle:

    literally name a woman over 40 and try to prove that people** are not writing them off simply because of their age (and because they're a woman; not even gonna go into beyoncé being a black woman over 40 oh my god shock and horror) and btw if lana released ocean blvd at 78 would that change whether it was good or not? :oprah3:

    this is not directed at you specially but i think we should keep in mind how incredibly privileged these people are. No matter what category they fall under, they’ll still have better material conditions, more opportunities and more privilege than 99% of white cisgender men on this planet, because of their wealth. it can hardly be said that Beyoncé, one of the most influential women in the world, is ever really written off. and the same goes for Taylor and, to a lesser extent, Lana: I can’t help thinking it’s a bit tone-deaf to spend 6 years complaining about some Kanye West drama (or, in Lana’s case and to a lesser extent, about being criticized by the media, which is not even the big picture anymore) and making billions out of it when you could use your platform to convey some sort of message. I’m not saying these problems aren’t worth addressing in their music at all, I’m saying it sounds slightly insensitive to me how much they talk about them while never ever addressing other problems or how unbelievably privileged they are. The problems they face are real, be it misogyny, racism, ageism, and they can exemplify things regular people are also confronted with - but we shouldn’t be tricked into forgetting that their economic position really lessens the impact these problems have on their lives, while these people actually fuel the problems regular people face, by flying a privet jet 24/7, or having a brand with clothes made by exploited workers in Asia, for instance.

  6. On 12/24/2022 at 6:11 PM, This Feeling said:

    The lyric is typical Lana. What’s wrong with it? She’s written similar lyrics. Fuck It I Love You? What’s the issue now? I really don’t get it.

    well, maybe you should go a few pages back and read the post where i explained what felt, if not wrong, not totally right with that line in my opinion. mention of sex without violence, like in fuck it i love you, and mention of sex with violence, which had not happened since ultraviolence, are not the same thing at all.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


    as somebody who's quite anti-pornography it doesn't bother me at all, i think she delivered that lyric in a way that didn't feel tacky or crass, i think she used the "to death" part for some sort of emphasis, i think it adds to the emotion she's trying to convey, and i don't think the action of doing something "to death" automatically means violence, it's sometimes more of a metaphorical thing, i don't think she literally means she wants somebody to have sex with her until she literally dies from the sex, it's not much different from the term "love me to death" when we tell somebody we love them to death, we mean it as, we love them a lot, or that we'll love them until the day we die, not that we want to love them so much that it will cause them to die

    i agree with you it is meant to show emphasis and it does, but those specific words combined still convey an image of violence through sex which most women know all too well and which other ways to express emphasis would not have conveyed. i get the parallel with “loving someone to death” but that would mean, if i’m not mistaken, “loving someone until you die”, not “loving someone until the act of loving kills them”, contrary to “fucking someone to death” in which case the person who dies is the one who’s on the receiving end. but it’s still no big deal, i’m just curious if anyone else doesn’t feel 100% comfortable with that line, knowing that it can’t be reduced to its literal meaning, but that its literal meaning can’t be fully discarded either

  8. i can't help being a little put off by the "fuck me to death" line when sexual violence towards women is the widespread problem it is and most titles for porn videos feature violent terms. i wasn't put off by "you fucked me so good i almost said i love you" at all because there was absolutely no mention of violence, so it's not at all that i don't want her to talk about sex, and i do think it's a good thing she's being honest and not watering her songs down, but i can't help not feeling comfortable with that line, because of how directly reminiscent of a violent part of our culture it is. now don't come for me, i'm not saying she should not have written it, i'm just saying that those images are what directly comes to my mind when i see the words "fuck me to death" and i hope that line didn't hurt the feelings of people who were victims of sexual abuse or sound insensitive to them.

  9. i don’t believe we’ll get crazy for you if not through fl0ridakil0s, it doesn’t seem like the other ones who have it (who apparently are numerous?) have been willing to leak it in the past 2 years even when we got hundreds of snippets :awkney: then again maybe honeymoun is going to leak something and if he does, it’d only make sense for it to be crazy for you, but after what we got last year and more importantly this year, i’m not getting my hopes up for anything from him. we’ll see! i’m actually fine if california gets chosen but i think we should be lucid enough not to think the other song is likely to leak before next christmas :emma:

  10. i don’t think one single person’s taste should really be factored in though, we all have extremely different opinions on songs :oprah3: i haven’t listened to any crazy for you snippets but most people were really enthusiastic about all of them in the thread, so in the eyes of most people, it really can’t be a bad song. i would be fine with california leaking though 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


    multiple people have crazy for you but it still hasn't leaked even though we've known about it for two years and the thread for it has 200 pages :awkney:

    exactly! sadly it’s not like we can really expect anything other than the things we actually get nowadays. in 2013 it was likely that snippets would lead to an immediate leak but now it’s 100% teasing 0% delivering :awkney: literally the crazy for you thread is proof that those things aren’t correlated anymore. so honestly i’ll jump on the occasion to get crazy for you as someone kindly offers this possibility :xcry:

  12. with ocean boulevard and fingertips being on the album and crazy for you possibly leaking, that gets a lot of the snippets that leaked in september/october out of the way :trisha: not gonna lie, the fewer snippets we have out there without having the songs, the more peaceful it feels :nails:

  13. the idea that crazy for you is bound to leak anyway isn’t really convincing in my opinion. remember how likely it felt in september that it was going to leak very soon? it didn’t, and honestly it’s about time we crossed that one off the list. i haven’t listened to snippets for either one but i would really like to get the whole crazy for you wait over with, because we’ve known about it for years :awkney: there’s no reason to think more people have crazy for you than california, we have no idea where the snippets came from and most people who actually have things probably have a lot more than the few songs we know about. i also don’t think we should be expecting any chain reaction, the days when leakers would get other leakers to leak things seem to be over, i’d rather just have one thing that i think is good - given everyone’s opinion on the snippets - than think about what might be going to provoke which effect. honestly looking at all the hoarding, teasing, spamming that happened since april, just for us to get literally nothing - i think it’s about time we prioritize getting something. sadly i don’t think it’s realistic to hope there’ll be several leaks but i’m already really grateful we’re getting something that sounds good :noir:

  14. This is heartbreaking, really. It really comes off as a surprise to me and I hope the situation isn’t worse than she told us. It does shed a whole new light on the principle of leaks which are, indeed, stolen material. While I do think we, as listeners, are not technically the problem - people who steal songs, make money off of them, build a reputation on having them, are - our habit of being receptive to whatever has been happening for the past year or two is a problem. This has gotten to the point where Lana’s computer got stolen and yet we got one actual leak in a year - and I’m not saying at all that one is as bad as the other, because not getting leaks is obviously nothing compared to literally losing your creation and being held hostage by some creep. But it is neither in our nor in Lana’s interest to implicitly condone behavior such as selling 2021 songs. Part of why this is going on, part of why leakers normalized selling a demo thousands of dollars - and there’s a good chance the person who stole her computer had a hand in selling those songs 3000$ in September - is because we, as a fandom, are receptive.

    Anyways, I hope she knows that none of her songs got leaked, at least, and I hope that her reaching out to her fans is somehow an indication that she’s not being threatened by the person who stole it.

  15. 19 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    I'm really intrigued... even if she's holding back on throwing fake dates around it's weird that she hasn't revealed the title yet. She really wants to announce it all at once it seems :creepna:


    The sensory overload when we get the lead single title with the album title and cover (+ possible tracklist) :thirst:

    maybe she’s not done with the album at all… she seems to have continued writing and recording throughout the past year, but we don’t know for sure, and maybe she changed directions several times. actually there has been a two-year-long wait between paradise and ultraviolence, honeymoon and lust for life, lust for life and norman fucking rockwell, norman fucking rockwell and chemtrails, so i wouldn’t be surprised if she just weren’t finished with it at all :true:

    although i agree it would make sense and be very nice if she announced something now :trisha: but personally i’ve found it very pleasant and peaceful not to have any fake dates or snippets from her the past year, it adds a lot of mystery to her new project and it’s been restful

  16. maybe the label really told her they were done with the fake dates this time around… it wasn’t the most professional thing to do to delay four albums in a row, so maybe they’re the ones who’re responsible for the change. or maybe the length of the pre-release stems from the project in itself

    it’s also that she went totally silent after blue banisters was released, whereas we got a lot of interviews after nfr, she toured, and chemtrails was literally immediately followed by new announcements

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