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Everything posted by LanaFlowers

  1. @@loleetah @@Foxglove @@Vertimus go to the Hillsong threads to read what's been discussed so far if you want, bc if we keep talking about this stupid fucking cult she's in we're going to get warning points again.
  2. In Venice Bitch, Lana shows a kind of vulnerability that feels nothing short of pathetic. It feels nothing like Hope, The Blackest Day, Is This Happiness, even Ultraviolence with its "he hit me and it felt like a kiss". Until Venice Bitch, Lana's vulnerability -though not always relatable- always seemed tragically beautiful...stunningly disarming. She excelled in turning ugly situations into beautiful works of art. She sang "it's you, it's you, it's all for you, everything I do", in a song about her boyfriend ignoring her to play freaking World of Warcraft. It's such a silly thing to write a song about, and it could have easily come out sounding ridiculous. Instead she managed to create a dreamy, melancholic masterpiece. Same with Blue Jeans, where she romanticizes being her man's "ride or die bitch" while he's stressing her out. Venice Bitch just fails to have any sort of impact. It doesn't touch me. It doesn't move me. I'm hearing a silly little girl mumble. And I'm sitting over here like And you know, it could be said that maybe it's just me. I'm older, I'm colder, my heart has turned into a shriveled lump of coal...maybe the walls I've put up make it impossible for me to have the emotionally charged, transcendent, otherworldly experience everyone else seems to have when they listen to Venice Bitch. But Hope was like a knife in the heart. And How To Disappear hit me so fucking hard. I felt just like I did when I first heard Pretty When You Cry, Religion, etc. So it can't be me. It's Venice Bitch and its lack of quality. But I guess a guitar solo can save everything
  3. That was so well written & a great take. You really have a point there.... You're right. And I know I'm sounding hateful, but I really don't hate it. It's just hard for me to get over the disappointment when it's made out to be some masterpiece. If VB had leaked as an unreleased track from 2007, I would've fucking loved it.
  4. girl it's 2019, million dollar man has gone bankrupt, best we can hope for in this mess of an era is Homeless Man With $1,25 In His Solo Cup
  5. I mean all that tweet told us was that he has no fucking taste lmao imagine not liking BTD, UV, HM but hearing VENICE BITCH and being like finally some good fucking music
  6. Isn't life craaaayyyzy, now that NFR's dead and gaaawwwn, ooooooh oooooh?
  7. I pretty much feel the exact opposite way lol, I think there are a couple lines that are good, but overall the lyrics are trash. I will never forget that initial crushing disappointment I felt when I first heard it, because I expected a grungy or rockier song in the vein of Brooklyn Baby thematically. And we got 10 minutes of Lana baked to a crisp, basically mumbling random words. And no offense, but I'm not here for that bottom anthem. Seriously, that song has micro dick energy, it's fucking sad. "Its me ur lil venice bitch"? really? bitch you're 35, stop making yourself small so that these losers will feel more comfortable being around you
  8. can you imagine like, ariana grande or that charlie xxx being like "so where the fucks nfr???" every 2 seconds? lmao it would be glorious
  9. I wish she had famous stans who could draw attention to this shitshow by bitching about it as often as we do
  10. @@vodkaa & anyone else who believes in being part of a church but taking whatever you like from what they preach & paying no mind to the rest, could you please help me understand one thing that honestly baffles me? Why not simply...go to a different church? Assuming that, like Lana, you live in an area with no shortage of progressive, open-minded, LGBTQ-friendly Christian churches you can go to. So you can get closer to your God, receive guidance, participate in religious activities, feel like you're a part of a community, and ALL THAT....without having to accept that you were born inferior, or that LGBT people are abominations, and without having to be associated with pedophiles & predators. Doesn't that sound like a hoot? It seems like a good idea to me. So why isn't it a good idea? What's wrong with what truly seems like the best course of action to me? Why is it apparently absolutely mandatory to attend a church that has done horrible things and holds nauseating beliefs?
  11. what better way to retain your basic humanity than to spend most of your time with a bunch of bAdDiEs from a misogynistic homophobic cult <3 we staaaaan <3 mod note: user was warned for this post
  12. "Overlap" was my attempt at being diplomatic/non-judgy.
  13. The only issue with WM is the basic, corny ass lyrics. I'm IN LOVE with the music & her delivery.... If you just change the lyrics in your mind it's beautiful.
  14. watch her be like "i made 15 copies of my book and left them in random places around la, have fun my little bitches babies xoxo ^_^"
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