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Everything posted by LanaFlowers

  1. Again, most cults don't advertise the fact that they are cults. Like the Atlantic Group for example. I swear, to some of you, if it's not a bunch of filthy looking, long haired, LSD-addicted hippies in flower power volkswagen vans playing Beatles songs with pawn shop guitars, it's not a cult
  2. Oh I do discriminate against others, it's a character flaw I'm aware of and actively working on. It's still not fair to assume that not liking a specific group of like 6 individuals means you subconsciously hate/fear everyone in the world that has things in common with them. Do you really think it's about their damn hair color? Do you really think it's about their addresses? Really? I'm sure there are a few people on this site who are not only jealous of Lana's friends, but Lana herself. And I know there are a few people who are jealous of these people's "LA lifestyle". But I really don't think that's the overall sentiment. This hater thing has gotten so old. Not everybody "hates you" because they ain't you. Sometimes people just don't like things. So that's something to keep in mind. Not everything is rooted in jealousy, bitterness and/or prejudice. I find it cute too. Tells me nothing though. I've watched people driving around in the middle of a snowstorm to give food, clothes & blankets to the homeless, and then turn around and scam their friends and family out of thousands of dollars. Many awful people are involved with charity, sometimes even going as far as to start their own charities. You don't know racists who've dedicated their whole lives to saving animals or fighting for (white) women's rights? You don't know extremely hateful homophobes who have gone above & beyond to defend the rights of racial minorities? Many people pretend to care about all kinds of causes, strictly for their image. Many people genuinely care about some causes, genuinely love & care about certain groups, but don't care about or even outright hate others. And lastly, many people are just genuinely giving & charitable. They truly want to help others & better society in any way they can. It's not about publicity, it's not about pats on the back, it's not about college applications or resumes...they are kind, selfless people doing the best they can. Now, results matter, they definitely do. If you're helping, you're helping, regardless of your motives & feelings. But unless I know someone personally, or know a lot about them, I can neither bash them for deceitfulness/hypocrisy that may not be true nor praise them for selflessness they may not possess. The person you're referring to, I haven't even seen more than once. Clicked on her profile, but didn't even really scroll through her posts. So I can't even judge her based on vibes and shit, I haven't paid enough attention to be able to do that. The people you choose to surround yourself with are often a reflection of yourself, but not always. Sometimes they're a reflection of your poor judgement. But you're right, you really are, she isn't the girl I thought she was at all. Or, rather, she's almost exactly the girl I thought she was when I first heard about her. Sad how things come full circle like that. But hey, at least it's becoming increasingly apparent I should trust my intuition more lol
  3. But is she relevant? Really? She's a good 3 years behind. She went from setting trends to following them badly. She probably thinks she's so in touch, as you say, but she's more out of touch & cringy than ever. It's like a mid-life crisis, just embarrassing. I really didn't see it happening so soon. Maybe she's just regressed. Fame does that to people. Sets them back 20, 30 years...fucking sad. Famous people tend to act like pill popping toddlers.
  5. While misogyny is sadly a problem in the gay community, do keep in mind that a) not all gay men are misogynistic & b) not everyone on lb is a cis gay male. Personally, I'm a woman, and I don't hate pretty blondes. I date pretty blondes. Plus half my friends are models, strippers, sex workers, actresses, makeup artists/beauty bloggers, etc. And quite a few of them live in California, actually! I really don't think I'm prejudiced. I know so many amazing, brilliant women who get treated like brainless bimbos all the time just because they're pretty (and in some cases, blonde). I'm not the type of person who discriminates against others based on looks, and I don't think most lb users are either. I don't recall seeing any hate towards Chuck or Jaime King because of their appearance. These hillsong hoes are just giving off bad vibes. If you're not feeling it, fine, but don't act like everyone who does is just a mIsOgYnIsTiC gAy wEiRdO who's bitter bc they got bullied by a Regina George wannabe in high school lmao
  6. does anyone know her name and what she's supposed to be? lel
  7. Oh I didn't mean it as an excuse. My point was, she's immature and, well, dumb enough, to be willing to pretend she's even dumber so as not to ruffle any feathers. She wants smiles. She wants compliments. She wants praise and approval. She wants people to be nice to her, whether they mean it or not, whether they have an ulterior motive or not. And she doesn't want to upset the people who give her all that. She doesn't want to disturb the peace of her fantasy world. In her little la la land, everyone has to play nice. Including her. I can't imagine Lana happily sitting through a sermon about how amazing conversion therapy is. I can't see her being like "chyeah my dude ur so rite!!" when her pastor starts talking about how homosexuality is a sin, all gays will burn in hell, women should be silent, obedient baby machines, and pedophilia is a-ok. But are they really saying that? Using these exact words? Are they saying that to all the liberal, progressive celebrities they're wooing? I don't think so. They're probably telling them it's all fake news; malicious lies spread by evil people with nothing better to do. Libel and slander. And they're saying that to celebrities who have had all kinds of fake shit written about them, so they know first hand how that's like. Now, anyone with half a brain cell could see Hillsong for what it really is. A pseudo Christian evangelical cult. But do these celebrities, including Lana, have even half a brain cell left? And even if they do, are they willing to use it? I don't think Lana is. Because it's easier to just fucking nod along when Pastor Whatever calls it all slander and moans about all the nEgAtIvE vIbEz, while sipping his wheat grass in his ripped jeans and $350 plain white t-shirt. It's easier to not have to lose all your new friends and fall out with yet another group of people. It's also easier to not have to worry about tmz having enough material to write an unauthorized biography of you, thanks to the wannabes you were dumb enough to trust. It's easier to turn a blind eye and pretend to buy everyone's bullshit. Fucking sad if you ask me...but easier.
  8. honestly she's set for life, money's never enough and i'm sure she enjoys having a steady income but i don't think she needs us or our money anymore
  9. OR a gofundme Help Lizzie Go BACK To The Trailer Park!!!
  10. at least now we can stop making excuses for them and hypothesizing that they might be nice people
  11. we survived champagne & chandelier, this is nothing lmao
  12. LanaFlowers

    Azealia Banks

    did she pull up to lana’s address? bc she looks roughed up
  13. it's done now. she started posting these snippets a year ago. she could have reworked some of these songs completely
  14. honestly i hope what we've been hearing so far is demos and not the actual songs
  15. LanaFlowers


    The video was cute af, the lyrics are super nice and I'm loving the overall vibe Also I wouldn't mind a WHOLE ASS ALBUM full of piano ballads
  16. LanaFlowers


    I'm so glad the music's still good even when everything else sucks
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