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Liz Taylor Blues

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Posts posted by Liz Taylor Blues

  1. 48 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    I don’t think RCS will (or even should) sound like that at all, but I’ve been watching Wild Wild Country on Netflix and... imagine if Lana went all ironic and made an album about being a cult leader, with 70s psychedelia, hippie instrumentals, rock guitars, folk elements :brows:

    Something sounding a bit like that: 

    It would be the best fitting project ever: her embracing her crazy fan base while being super sarcastic about it, controversial lyrics à la UV, the best of what she did with Jack (Venice Bitch) :godlaugh::oprah2:


  2. 24 minutes ago, urgirl said:

    Nah Lana %10000 percent deleted her pic cuz of a generic sexual response with 9 retweets. That’s not only rational to believe but a million percent true. 

    you owned them

  3. 2 hours ago, LanaRayDelMar said:

    her paradise-era snake ring, the honeymoon-esque top, the born to die-era hairband alongside her lolita-esque frames and glossy pink lips, the baby blue ultraviolence-era acrylics, her fillers looking dissolved >>>>> maybe we finally won besties!!! :gurl:

    PMIAM will be on RCS! Confirmed!

  4. 42 minutes ago, Vertimus said:

    Don't forget that, after the release of NFR!, she mentioned writing songs for a new version of 'Alice in Wonderland.' Perhaps that's part of what he's referring to? After 'Big Eyes,' and with all the success she's had since, I can see filmmakers seeking her out for scores or other additions to their films, though Hollywood is at its nadir right now. 


    And she mentioned writing a theatrical musical--which, if true, is something I hope she think twice about, as Tori Amos totally derailed her career over her own musical, 'The Light Princess,' which took some seven years of her life and then flopped commercially, and, to me, creatively too. 

    Yeah but lana is way more talented than fucking Cornflake Girl

  5. 2 minutes ago, The Greatest said:

    Ya cause an industry plant is a pop artist who makes slow sad songs and routinely never has a single pop off, but did completely change the trajectory of contemporary pop music impermeably. Embarrassing for him :wtf3:

    To be fair he wasnt criticzing her at all. He was using her as an example that being a plant didnt have to be bad, while calling out a tik tok group that is an industry plant

  6. 5 hours ago, NewportBitch said:

    I hear Fantano framed Lana as an industry plant in one of his recent videos :creep:


    Mhm yeah, White Dress, one of Lana’s best songs, is about the time when she was plotting with the men in music business to become a star. 


    Part of me wants Lana to not address her critics especially about her origins. White Dress already said a lot. And as much as White Dress is nostalgic or regretful, I think it would be good for Lana should cherish those memories for herself and only herself, instead of constantly hashing it out cryptically in public. 


    On top of that—music critics continually act as gatekeepers of culture but their influence has considerably waned with social media & streaming. 


    I said hey  Tony Fantano

    so you say that Im a plant yo

    Are you cr-crazy?


  7. On 3/6/2021 at 8:21 AM, HyperVelvet said:

    I really really really hate Chromatica :eek3:

    I wanted to listen to it open-minded, I even initially included it among the records I was the most excited for in 2020 BUUUUUUUT every single song has something missing imo

    I didnt like it either. It literally sounded like she tried to turn the Queer As Folk(U.S)theme song into an hour long project. Yawn.  I liked her better when she was ripping off Madonna.


    Ariana Grande. I cant stand her dolphin voice. Break Up With Your Girlfriend is the only song by her I like. Maybe TUN

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