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Liz Taylor Blues

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Posts posted by Liz Taylor Blues

  1. 1 hour ago, Party Favor said:

    Barrie needs to come back to California STAT 

    I thought u said bernie for a second. Watch out jane, lana is songle and on the prowl!

    16 minutes ago, Bunny Mozart said:


    Ben has always given me weird vibes but I can def imagine him and Lana together 

    Her boston era. Sorry matcha its dunkin season

    21 minutes ago, gasstationkween said:

    Why does everyone want her back with Barry he seemed toxic af 

    If he wasnt on heroin than im not an alcoholic 

  2. YES!!! MY MANIFESTATIONS ARE HERE!!! Lana has been moving towards this since she was May and Lizzie, and has always flirted with it a little bit.. Her and Nikki have great vocal chemistry and their harmonies together are sublime (their live performance of Look Away off Nikki's album is breathtaking). I trust Nikki to help Lana find her sound in the genre. I really hope Jack is not the producer on this project. While I like his other work with Lana, his production on the last DC album was terrible. Also BUS could have had better production than it got. It was good but it should have been mindblowing

  3. LeAkEd RoCk CaNdY sWeEt TrAcKlIsT

    - fUcK tHe NeW yOrK pOsT

    - KaNcEl KuLtUrE kWeEn Ft CoUrTnEy LoVe

    - wHiTe BoY sUmMeR fT cHeT hAnKs

    - I pRaYeD aWaY cLaY's GaY- aNd NoW hE's My HuSbAnD tO bE

    -bOdEgA bAe- BeYoNcE sCaReD oF mE

    -aRiAnA iS wHiTe Ft AzEaLiA bAnKs + KaNyE

    -A qUeStIoN fOr ThE cUlTuRe Ft MaDoNnA

    - cHuCk HaS rEtiReD hErE's ChArLiE's AsS cRaCk

    -fAnTaNo kNoWs WhAt'S uP

    TaYlOr Is My ShAdOw

    mEn In MuSaK bUsInEsS cOnFeReNcE fT bRiTnEy SpEaRs +CaRdI b

    NoT aLl wHo CrOsS mE aRe FoUnD fT hIlLaRy ClInToN

    rOcK cAnDy SwEeT

    i WisH tHe PrEsS wAs DeAd AlLrEaDy




  4. 4 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:



    Courtney Love liked a bunch of comments on her recent post from the studio, including ones asking if she has a collaboration with Lana on Rock Candy Sweet. 

    Since she seems to be liking a lot of random comments, I would NOT take this as confirmation that she is featured on the album (much like how Nicole Nodland liked comments about her shooting the COTCC album cover :toofloppy:) but I think it’d be amazing if she was! 


    It would be interesting if they had recorded something during the LFL era, and that it ended up on RCH. Courtney has also been teasing a reunion with the main 90's line up of Hole (which is FASCINATING because there has been lots of drama there in the past 20 years) as well as been recording in studio. Unless Lana flies out to London i'm skeptical of her being on a Lana album. Courtney has documented extensively on instagram the reasons why she fled to london and has left L.A

  5. 9 minutes ago, honeybadger said:

    this will be such a revolutionary album we won't know what hit us it'll be ultraviolence folk edm trip hop boom like that house country nikki lane down in the barnyard louisana alabama god loving gospel singing jazz heavy metal surf noir hawaiian tropic paradise by the dashboard light jukebox hip hop ragtime slow jazz all tied up in a pretty little bow with a rock candy on top the perfect metaphor for sweetness hidden by shards of bad things and its nice but it hurts and you want it but it's hard to eat and hard to swallow like the facts of life are hard to swallow and loving lana del rey and accepting she is a legend an icon etcetera is hard to swallow especially for critics when you are only seeing the ragged pieces


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