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mid july

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Everything posted by mid july

  1. this is actually so fucking ugly something we know won't happen
  2. my stuff finally arrived today even though it's been in germany for a whole week already at least i got a free postcard like everyone else
  3. ''i gave it to you in stockholm, you came over you recognized me from dublin'' and now in fucking la honestly inspiring imagine having the cash and the time
  4. got my email 3 days ago and my shit is still in la atm
  5. there's more, the pictures are in the jones beach thread
  6. and yet she doesn't even really sing those literally the first thing i thought of yesterday ''i can't believe i skipped out on marina and bought tickets for two lana shows'' she even did the white dress with sneakers better https://twitter.com/MarinaDiamandis/status/1175103649858519040
  7. a classic ''i hate fags so much'' moment
  8. https://twitter.com/ArianaGrande/status/1171059339450363905 so its really coming
  9. why would she pick a song from tun, nothing on that album fits her except maybe ghostin which is too personal
  10. is it over already? my phone died after she talked about the 20min video
  11. ''i'm not a furry'' her facial expression lmao
  12. she saw the questions you were gonna ask her and said no thanks
  13. please don't put this kind of energy out there ty
  14. ask her to leak the good life
  15. ahh ikr, i don't know what size hoodie to get anyone saw them in person or knows anything about its sizing?
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