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War In My Mind

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Everything posted by War In My Mind

  1. she tweeted from a store wiht album in hand, and said "what a beautiful day to release an album" mam any one going to the store wont have their hands on an album til tomorrow
  2. what store was she at that is already selling her album 1. and 2 what crack is she on that she tweeted that forgetting that tomorrow is her release date and 3) she really just be out here doin that to us not thinking about the consequences
  3. Also I cant explain it but the way she says it specifically at around 2:20-2:24, the way she barely says "our/ar" and the way there is no space/breath/break between it and "Kansas" makes it really hard for me to believe the "our kansas" argument
  4. I prefer it, I hated NFR's cover of doing time being right in the middle. I skip it every time
  5. Sharing links to leaks and reposting/quoting links with leaks to official music is against the rules homiesssss change ur posts before u get some warning points babes
  6. Wow yours shipped? Mine's ship date moved to April 19, homophobic really.
  7. But maybe IDK how to read those spectragram things but I put the MP3 and the FLAC in audacity and the spectragrams look the same, so the FLAC is likely not true FLAC.
  8. In the zip file the guy put a picture with the CD, the CD outside of it's case, the front/back, and the pic is very clearly in his bedroom.
  9. Lana leaks, honey I have my own faucets to deal with EDIT: me thinking this joke would get numbers: but in reality
  10. shocked, confused, and hurting about this thread business, please send thoughts and prayers
  11. Yeah I cant believe the cruel world hate She changed my life, there's no better song to turn on when you are feeling the jantasy, when u are in the mood, when you JUST murdered your husband edit : i of course mean when he died of natural, yet mysterious, causes.
  12. Even tho I've listened to the leaks and continue to do so... I still cannot wait for release day! There's something about holding those physical bad bitches in my hand all 5 copies I bought
  13. right click --> copy image location --> paste. Your link should have an "image" format for it to work (e.g. .gif, .jpg, .png, etc.)
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