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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    the whole concept I just find a bit messy - it’s just all over the place, compared to EH and FROOT where she had more of an idea of what age wanted. I guess that’s a lot of first albums, but TFJ just feels thrown together and it’s not my fav. sonically it just feels a bit jumbled as well.
  2. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    correct. um, no. TFJ has some good songs, but it’s messy AF. it’s not her worst, but yeah, FROOT and EH are much better.
  3. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    i guess it depends what you class as toxic, but i get you. i think it's just that very old-school way of parenting, where the father knows best and expected his children to be high achieving i.e. a doctor, lawyer, etc. and not a "singer". just super strict parenting, which i guess is toxic in that regard. she's posted photos with her mum and stuff before, but never her dad. i do wonder what their relationship is like now.
  4. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    i don't think it was necessarily "toxic", but he was obviously very conservative and wanted her to do live/do a certain job - her sister is a doctor, so i'm guessing he just wanted her to be as "high achieving" too and saw the arts as something that's not. it's just that old school way of thinking, thus she obviously resisted/rebelled and it damaged their relationship.
  5. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    because you know you're just being dramatic. it's literally two different things. what she's released so far has been better than most of L+F tbh, but her lyrics on this song are just a little SJW overload. she has the right intentions, but i think her execution lyrically sometimes is just a miss.
  6. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    maybe be less passive and just tag me, hun. it wasn't about people criticizing L+F - of course everyone's allowed to and has, including me. my point with L+F is that was it her best album? no. but it wasn't *as bad* as people (including yourself) were making it out to be. and in terms of what she's posting on social media and the lyrics to this song, there's a balance if you don't want to come off in the wrong way. does she have the right intentions? yes. but has she gone too much into SJW where she's just purposely being controversial? yes, and it's not good.
  7. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    maybe i should have phrased it better - there's no right way of doing it being *that* woke. it's just totally cringe and it's such a turn off.
  8. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    there’s a difference between talking about “what’s wrong” and then then there’s SJW’s. there’s good and there’s bad SJW’s, in that there’s people that genuinely care about the causes they post about and contribute to help make those issue better. And then there’s the other SJW’s, which Marina is rapidly becoming. The type that will post whatever shit they can find, are overly “woke”, but will do nothing to aid the causes they’re speaking off and try and make themselves appear like they’re educated on the topic they’re ranting about when they’ve watched a video of one person getting wound on some news programme and being extremely controversial. the kind that does it just to appear like they’re righteous and on the “right side” - that’s what the lyrics of Purge give me. It’s nothing but typical shallow white girl LA vibes, there’s absolutely zero depths and zero imagination to it - it’s literally like she’s read some shallow Insta or Twitter post about toxic masculinity and copy and posted the words.
  9. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    you’re fxcking kidding, right? she posts stuff ALL the damn time. there’s no good way to do it, at all. she’s at the point where she’s almost embarrassing herself now. LA got her good.
  10. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    her UK store does not want to work.
  11. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    we'll be getting like 10-12.
  12. Life


    the new EP is called 'LIMBO CHERRY' (i believe)
  13. Life

    Lady Gaga

    i'm kinda still so shocked she's talked about it again. i hope Zedd will let her release Temple + Onion Girl honestly, although it was heavily rumored he used the productions for True Colors. he's liked her tweets anyway so i hope so. from all the documents that leaked it's so fxcking annoying that Temple was done and paid for and on the album, then last minute switch and it was gone.
  14. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    i like it, but then I don’t? like, it’s definitely the most TFJ Marina thing she’s put out since then, but i just feel like it drags a bit? it feels longer than it is because it all feels a bit repetitive. I don’t totally hate it though - she’s definitely going back in the right direction.
  15. Life

    Lady Gaga

    the facts are there for you to google, hun. the main point about it is that it was completely unknown territory. by the time people had figured out how to make things work e.g. live streams etc., she was already busy with other projects. not going to repeat myself (again) after this, but, i completely agree it wasn’t managed the best and I’m equally as disappointed, but it’s not her fault. even if it was just fxking get over it sweetie - it’s not like we’re not used to the lack of promo on this forum.
  16. COCC lasting for 99 years, what an achievement.
  17. blue bannisters hard rock candy my sweet baby inside my kunt.
  18. Life

    Lady Gaga

    well, hauslabs, Gucci movie, don stuff, tour stuff (although that’s probably out the window now) + other unannounced stuff. Most of the promo for the album for sure wasn’t able to be rescheduled due to everyone’s scheduling going to shxt. she did do a little bit, and hopefully she’ll do a live stream show. she’s not just a musician anymore though, and I think that’s what people forget. she never was, music was just the thing that broke her into mainstream. it is a real shame and I’m disappointed af Chromatica never got its moment fully.
  19. Life

    Instagram Updates

    which doesn't mean they automatically know/grew up being educated on the royal family.
  20. Life

    Instagram Updates

    and the American's who pretend like they know shit need to sit down and read. the comments on Lana's IG posts are completely unnecessary - that's my original and only point here.
  21. Life

    Instagram Updates

    of course it does, and i've never said it's right either. what is wrong though is making hateful comments towards a dead man. stop trying to act affected, hun - it's not a good look. you don't need to teach me about my own country. i'm fully, fully aware of what the british empire did and causes and i'm fully against it. however, the current royal family, including prince phillip, have helped to aid and give back to those countries affected by it. their work is there and is evident for all to see. now, if they'd spent their lives doing nothing towards those countries, not visiting them, aiding them, then you'd have a point. but no, beyond that Phillip did a hell of a lot of positives in creating organisations that benefited the development and wellbeing of children and protection of the environments decades before governments got on board. people really need to go and read about his life's work before making comments. i'm British, hun. i've grown up learning about these people, as have many here. Americans barely have any idea on the topic of Monarchy, as Meghan found out the hard way for herself.
  22. Life

    Instagram Updates

    not at all, because that's not what i'm doing. the British Empire no longer exists, hun - if you actually read what i was saying it was insanely clear that i'm talking about the current royal family and how they have been active in the last few decades in supporting and aiding the countries which were wrongfully taken by the british empire.
  23. Life

    Instagram Updates

    not saying that it was right at all, of course it's wrong. and yes, their ancestors, an ancestor being (be definition) a grandparents at minimum. the current royal family had no part to play in that, and by actually every means have brought themselves far away from it and aided in correcting what the british empire did. but try and make your teenage woke ass seem interesting and educated by speaking for the countries which were affected, most countries which, by choice, have remained as part of the commonwealth.
  24. Life

    Instagram Updates

    their ancestors did, not them. are you at fault for things your ancestors did? no you're fxcking not. they really, really modernized and helped to give back to those countries of the commonwealth - countries which have always had a choice to remain in the commonwealth or not. some countries have left the commonwealth, but most stayed because they wanted to. the choice has always been up to the people of those countries. education, hun - look into it.
  25. Life

    Instagram Updates

    the comments on her posts about Prince Phillips genuinely make me hate the internet sometimes. these kids need to actually fxck off and educate themselves. it's pathetic.
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