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Please be careful sharing Sparklejumpropequeen links, they can potentially have your full e-mail on them ×


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Everything posted by Life

  1. why did you sign up for this mental institute then.
  2. That’s no more or less insane than most people in this thread the last few pages.
  3. That’s just down to having access to publishing databases. It’s nothing to do with hacking or being an “insider”. A lot of stuff he gets from other people anyway. Like I said - more of the face, less of the brains.
  4. No - he never has. Let’s say he’s been more of the face and less of the brains on that front.
  5. There’s nothing wrong with being excited, but attacking other people (both ways) over sketchy info for saying something different when it’s highly questionable is just dumb. But anyway, this is where I check out of the mental institute and come back when there’s actually solid info. I’ll probs see the cover + track list before it’s announced anyway so see you rascals then.
  6. People are being stupid here though, that’s facts. None of this Shazam stuff is official, yet people are spraying their walls with cum in excitement over it. It’s ridiculous. I get it, Lana has literally bird boxed us through this entire era, but going off of sketchy info and then attacking others about it is just ridiculous and psychotic.
  7. Guys, don’t be psychotic again. When albums are submitted to Shazam the songs appear in numerical order in terms of their ID (the number in the link). These songs are so randomly spaced out in terms of numbers means they’ve not been submitted officially or recognised with incorrect information. The fact this song is tagged under NFR with an ! is wrong. We know the album doesn’t have an ! due to already having the official link where the the pre-order/album will be linked to. So calm down, take your meds and stop grasping at straws. Seeing as an official link is sat there waiting we know we’ll be getting info in a few days. Stop making this forum a knock-off mental institute.
  8. that's because Apple owns Shazam and Siri uses it.
  9. nothing factual, apart from everyone descending into unmedicated madness once again.
  10. also, lets just remind ourselves the official NFR link is here and it does not have an ! https://lana.lnk.to/NFR
  11. the thing that sticks out is the fact that usually when an entire album is submitted you can usually see other tracks on the album by just changing the number in the link to the next number. there's nothing Lana at all around either of them, so it doesn't make sense that "Cinnamon Girl" and "California" are randomly there when the rest of the album would have been submitted with it. That alone is a red flag for it just being Shazam detecting random stuff it's finding that sounds similar.
  12. not y'all still thinking those Shazam's were real when they just piggybacked from those fan mades.
  13. i can't wait for the psychotic meltdowns when 'In Your Car' isn't called that and it's just something else on the tracklist but people won't use their brains and think like that.
  14. bad wording, i do apologise. that 'cinnamon' re-make is actually pretty nice. i was just going for 'it's not real calm down and take your medication kids' vibes.
  15. it depends. It's picking the names up from the fan-made stuff, so it's probably just matching bits of the waveforms to something on youtube and presumes its released. the rest aren't, so it's still not recognising them/stopping them from so.
  16. that's never stopped shazam from recognising stuff, honestly. Happiness and How To Disappear are recognisable and that's only from Lana posting snippets and people uploading them to youtube. Shazam picks crazy stuff up from everywhere.
  17. SHAZAM IS ONLY RECOGNISING SHIT BECAUSE OF THE FAN-MADE CRAP ON THIS CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQYeEnLWwGDZomwEDd5H1eQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4QrMAnFcR4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_njzyuSPPQ
  18. The code for a countdown. It’s part of Shopify - when you “close down” or password protect a store you can have the option to add a countdown timer for when it’ll reopen. You don’t have to, but because the option is there then so is the code for it.
  19. Life


    y’all got scammed not some of you spending $300 just for her to upload it to YouTube, i...
  20. her Aussie store is down now too - http://www.lanadelrey.com.au/store/
  21. I want pastel blue tbh. Like the kinda pastel blue you’d use on a painting for the sky.
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