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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life


    one better be 'Hands On Me' it sounds so gorgeous
  2. they clearly are, or at least it's come from one of the sites that originally had it up for pre-order for March and just used fake bar codes that the other sites have copied. when the bigger retailers start slipping stuff then it's time to wet ourselves.
  3. it could be any Friday in August and it's likely to be later in August, we already know this. That guy can be as confident as he wants, but literally so can anybody here or anywhere else. It's a guess, he's guessing. Once those bar codes (if they're actually real) start showing up on genuine retails then we can start to presume, but so far those barcodes have been there since these websites had March as a release date - that alone is enough to realise that they have no idea. It's only Russian sites that are basically copying the info from each other, but that doesn't make it genuine. that's probably the most interesting thing so far tbh.
  4. ah yes, because i'm sure Interscope/Polydor would give a random russian seller that info. be real. anyone here could say exactly that, but it doesn't mean they're genuine. he's just making an educated guess like the rest of us.
  5. those Russian sites are full of shit, sorry - they’re guessing like the rest of us. Up until she said it was coming next month they had September 30th as a release date, before that the March date. They’re using bar codes that only show up on other shitty russian sites and no where else, so I wouldn’t trust him as far as you could throw Russia.
  6. Lana: "it's coming next month" Lana: "it's coming next month" Lana: "it's coming next month" Random analboards chubster: "it's not coming out next month" yeah ok
  7. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    and now you're singing to yourself, how cute..
  8. Black Beauty has a little more punch to it though. I will say you do have to be in a certain mood for Hope, but that doesn't mean it's a bad song. Most of Lana's discography you need to have a personality disorder and a bipolar manic episode to appreciate but
  9. it's a gorgeous song tbh. i don't understand why people don't like gorgeous piano songs, but then again lana's fanbase consists of deluded wannabe twinks who just want bangers talking about riding daddy's.
  10. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    ugh, so is your taste. poor creature.
  11. i mean, we know cinammon does i'm happy with either, but there will be more elements to the production regardless. i can't see her doing an album full of Sylvia's, then again it's Lana so what do we expect really.
  12. the standard has always usually been around 6 weeks. CD's are much quicker though, but it's why most albums are handed in and finished months before their release dates because of manufacturing and stuff. You'll get test copies before hand as well, so all in all the process of making sure the packaging is correct and there's no errors it'll be like 2-3 months.
  13. it's not a placeholder, it's just an empty block. the black square is just the background colour, it's not an actual image. the entire set isn't one image, it's just squares that are coded to hold the images.
  14. The fact people still care about charts is hilarious, let alone the fact Lana charting She’s never been about that - even Interscope knows that and it’s why they’ve given her so much freedom to release what she wants when she wants. The only thing that’s kept Lana going and signed is the cult like nature of the fan base tbh.
  15. Well, you’re not doing a very good job at portraying that. But like I said, nothings changed. What do you want me to do? Post an image of the LFL cover which is the only thing that’s still on there I’m not sure how genuine that bar code (or website is). It was there a couple of days ago and had some date in September as the release date. I mean, it’s a Russian site so take it with a pinch of salt.
  16. Oh, you do try so hard - I have to give you that one. Still looking jealous and bitter though! xoxo
  17. Yikes indeed. Can’t wait to see the cover when it goes up xoxo
  18. How can I even prove receipts? It’s shopify, not the damn CIA. You don’t need a password to view stuff that’s still live. Anyone with a brain and use of a keyboard can check if there’s new stuff in the space of a minute. I’m not going to tell you how though, obviously, because it’d be worked around straight away. We’ll see though (:
  19. There’s nothing new on there at the moment, but the second something changes..
  20. They'll probably do the same again. Maybe it'll be out August 30th then and live lounge the week after in September.
  21. she did a session for them around the time Honeymoon came out, so probably just after.
  22. Also, just so y'know, there's nothing as of right now behind the password protected store.
  23. She will tell us, and she will say "next month"
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