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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life


    The album is good fyi
  2. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Bless you for still going on about this - still wrong though. Bless your little try hard hipster heart.
  3. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    it's awful, that's what
  4. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    It's not my favourite but if it comes on i'm like oh ok. I like the chorus more than anything honestly.
  5. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Same, apart from Bubblegum Bitch - she's always a cute little bop. I honestly have never been able to really get into TFJ apart from Obsessions, Hollywood and Guilty honestly. Like, I knew of Marina because she's from the same place that I am in Wales, but it wasn't until EH where i was like oh this bitch is trying
  6. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I literally love Electra Heart as a whole, but I remember hearing Radioactive for the first time and it shook me so i'm kinda biased with it. Lies, Living Dead, Starring Role, Bubblegum Bitch and Fear and Loathing I still play on a regular basis. Also forgetting Sex Yeah and Lonely Hearts Club being cute too.
  7. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Did I mention it's criminal that it wasn't on FROOT because... that bridge still ends me every time honestly. I wouldn't mind more of a current pop sound from Marinara again, but maybe not as generic as EH was.
  8. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I mean, it is Dr. Luke produced so I don't blame her. That's the only issue I now have with Electra Heart is that Dr. Luke is on it, but at the same time it's probably the only album we'll get from her that's purely catered towards generic pop so i appreciate it for that. FROOT is special though, and rare for a "mainstream" artist in how it was made, in the sense that it was just her and her producer that wrote and worked on it. Most of FROOT i love, but I just cannot get into Gold and Solitaire It's criminal that I'm Not Hungry Anymore wasn't put on that album when those two songs were. Solitaire... it really isn't. Happy, FROOT, I'm a Ruin, Better Than That, Savages and Immortal and the tops of that album (along with I'm Not Hungry Anymore even tho it wasn't on that album but still kinda is)
  9. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Not when most of The Family Jewels, Gold and Solitaire exist.
  10. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    The fact that your deaf ears doesn't like Radioactive and HTBAHB just goes to show how much of a try hard indie fan you are. Then again, this is Lanaboards... They are both literally perfect pop songs.
  11. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I love other people being deluded. EH and FROOT are her best honestly, but FROOT is just behind EH for me because Gold and Solitaire exist on that album when I’m Not Hungry Anymore does not. Radioactive exists on EH, and that song alone tops that album off. Along with HTBAHB and Electra Heart. The demonic soul sucking raising hell to the earth exorcism theme tune of a production that is that title track just ends the rest of her discography.
  12. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Electra Heart is her best, FROOT is middle, The Family Jewels is the worst.
  13. A C T U A L R E A L L I F E G O D
  14. Life


    Resurrecting bc new single Wednesday https://twitter.com/bastilledan/status/993562703481442304
  15. It's exactly the kind of behaviour a person that's so insecure and jealous shows, who just projects their issues onto other people in order to make themselves feel better. Gotta feel sorry for 'em I guess - i've dealt with people like this in real life and it's just sad.
  16. yah, she’s literally the Phi Phi of this season. The way she went off at Eureka in front of the judges just goes to show her mentality, and maybe she’s got some perspective since then, but she just comes across as someone that can’t handle not being the centre of attention and other people being successful.
  17. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Literally this. it's completely unmixed
  18. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    oh jesus all these multitracks i'm SHOOKETH
  19. Life

    Mars Argo

    I'm on page 13 and i'm like how can this get any crazier edit: oooh ok it did
  20. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I still call her Marinara and The Sauce dw
  21. On Aquaria's IG story she's dressed up as Melania again, but lip syncing to Fxcked My Way Up To The Top
  22. Life


    The first reply I fxcking HOWLED "Does he take your coke too?"
  23. Life


    She's currently serving me child struggling in adult hood over-feminist rubbing her genitals into the ground for some spiritual connect witchcraft voodoo non-shaving hyper-PC teas
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