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  1. Salem Prose liked a post in a topic by backtolana in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    hun ppl just want their money back from him, if something legal happens you wont get involved <3 
  2. Salem Prose liked a post in a topic by backtolana in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    @@Valerie send an email to ed i'm sure he'd be delighted 
  3. Serene Queen liked a post in a topic by backtolana in LEAST Favorite Lana Songs?   
    the asap collabs are so overrated and dont deserve the praise they get imo
  4. HunterSThompson liked a post in a topic by backtolana in The LanaBoards Ultraviolence Rate   
    ok but stop paying florida kilos dust smfh
  5. grabmebymyribbons liked a post in a topic by backtolana in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    hun ppl just want their money back from him, if something legal happens you wont get involved <3 
  6. Marius liked a post in a topic by backtolana in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    it says that lana won best non swedish song of the year with lust for life
  7. backtolana liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I agree on some level, if she died she would be much more famous right now. But obviously i dont want her to. It happens with every celebrity though
  8. backtolana liked a post in a topic by loleetah in What do you think the person above you is like irl?   
    that annoying person in your class that will say anything just to get people to look at them bc there's no other reason to
  9. True Romance liked a post in a topic by backtolana in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    hun ppl just want their money back from him, if something legal happens you wont get involved <3 
  10. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by backtolana in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    it says that lana won best non swedish song of the year with lust for life
  11. backtolana liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    The magazine Gaffa let the prize for best foreign song go to Lana for Lust For Life
  12. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by backtolana in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    hun ppl just want their money back from him, if something legal happens you wont get involved <3 
  13. Off To The Races 2010 demo pls liked a post in a topic by backtolana in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    it says that lana won best non swedish song of the year with lust for life
  14. UltraviolenceBaby liked a post in a topic by backtolana in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    hun ppl just want their money back from him, if something legal happens you wont get involved <3 
  15. LoveJunkie liked a post in a topic by backtolana in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    it says that lana won best non swedish song of the year with lust for life
  16. Theodore liked a post in a topic by backtolana in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    it says that lana won best non swedish song of the year with lust for life
  17. backtolana liked a post in a topic by Yosemite in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    Uhm, do you know freedom of speech? It's a basic human right... as Netflix
  18. Gone user liked a post in a topic by backtolana in What do you think the person above you is like irl?   
    probably still thinks marina is ever gonna release again
  19. Tragic Rabbit liked a post in a topic by backtolana in 'ban' The Person Above You   
    banned for saying gn but not going to sleep
  20. backtolana liked a post in a topic by AKASAKA SAWAYAMA in 'ban' The Person Above You   
    banned for banning you for the 2nd time today
    lmaooo sorry. i meant doesn't look* like amy. i forgot look lmaoo
  21. backtolana liked a post in a topic by LoveJunkie in What do you think the person above you is like irl?   
    random dykes that need attention 24/7
  22. backtolana liked a post in a topic by missdelreyxo in What do you think the person above you is like irl?   
    It was my moms boyfriend! Fake news!
  23. missdelreyxo liked a post in a topic by backtolana in What do you think the person above you is like irl?   
    is probably the most emo person on earth that has nothing better to do all day than talk to a random dyke on the phone all day 
  24. backtolana liked a post in a topic by missdelreyxo in What do you think the person above you is like irl?   
    Probably queefs to the thought of amy winehouses dead corpse fingeringg their ass
  25. missdelreyxo liked a post in a topic by backtolana in What do you think the person above you is like irl?   
    probably has a room with a lana jesus framed and so many pics of lana someone that didnt know what a stan was would question you sanity 
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