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Everything posted by lanangel

  1. I KNOW, she was just so smiley and happy the entire show , the video of her smilling at the end of the show is so cute, we wont be getting UV 2.0 thats for sure https://twitter.com/VENICEBlTCH/status/1070527535824330752
  2. Is it hey blue baby or hey baby blue ? Anyway, the song has so much potential its a shame it wont be on the album cos already everybody loves it and its litteraly the kind of music her label wants
  3. nothing will ever top coachella's bad production
  4. https://twitter.com/LanaDelReyFans/status/989904247427870720 were finally getting our collab ladies!
  5. that doesnt excuse the fact that its not her cutest we sjsj
  6. the album cover for kill kill ep on spotify is... well interresting to say the least
  7. love slander when roachella exist... thats sad
  8. she looks so uninterrested omg the livestreaming thing is stressing her out i think
  9. the backtrack is louder than her on ss omg poor baby she needs to sing louder
  10. oh no change im so sorry baby, its one of the best song
  11. i mean with a name like lipsters what do we expect anymore
  12. Heroin change and 13 beaches are my top three but i have a special place in my heart for get free
  13. OMG i never realized how much i like the honeymoon songs honeymoon - 7 music to watch boys to - 6 terrence loves you - 8 god knows i tried - 9 high by the beach - 8 freak - 9 art deco - 8 religion - 10 salvatore - 9 the blackest day - 8 24 - 7 swan song - 11 don't let me be misunderstood - 8
  14. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=doris+day+que+sera+sera Honestly i feel that lana singing doris day would be so good, her voice would sound so vintage
  15. Stevie made the song even better omg how dare u shes a legend she brings the entire song together
  16. lanangel

    Marry , Fuck , Kill

    Fuck Abel Marry borns Kill asap Stella, chuck , charlie
  17. Me too but i think its only because we said it that way in french here
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