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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. Fascism in the 1930s-40s had massive support (KKK, Silver Legion, Fr. Coughlin) and was only rejected after Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany declared war on us. We were very close to a Italy-style fascist dictatorship and this is rarely taught in the USA. And it's happening again. https://www.jillstein2024.com/platform <---- read that. we don't have to be stuck in a two party dictatorship.
  2. I'm voting Jill Stein because no matter which of these two dimbulbs win, fascism will come. At least Jill could slow or reverse it.
  3. good. they paid reparations to states for their roles in the opioid crisis.
  4. That would require punishing people at the FDA for getting jobs in big pharma after approving drugs that they knew were unsafe.
  5. Ronald Reagan was the devil. He helped spread crack cocaine and allowed HIV to kill people bc it was the homosexuals who had it. (Using "homosexual" ironically)
  6. there were genocidal maniacs like Andrew Jackson and caretaker presidents like Gerald Ford
  7. I'm just going to leave this here https://www.jillstein2024.com/platform HA
  8. there was a commercial mocking Biden's performance this debate. I hate that Trump has a point.
  9. "sex with a porn star while your wife was pregnant" lmao
  10. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is Biden up there? This is elder abuse.
  11. Orange Man called Biden a Palestinian bc he didn't wanna eradicate Palestinians wtf
  12. Biden is tripping over himself. And bragging about supporting Israel is not a good look.
  13. Yep. It's only for fetal diseases that are terminal, usually.
  14. I don't think anyone is aborting a 9th month fetus or a baby out of the womb. It sounds like sound bites made to rile up rightwingers. But late term abortions earlier than that are needed for things like anencephaly (do not google that unless you wanna be sad)
  15. "We are not for late term abortion" Get fucked, Biden.
  16. I feel like if Biden fucks this up, Trump will probably trounce him.
  17. tbh Michelle Obama, Newsom, and RFK Jr. would be the only ones with name power like Biden did. (RFK Jr. has the added bonus of his name power coming from JFK and RFK, people America loved) But RFK Jr. is also a lunatic with anti-vaxxer and anti-trans views.
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