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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. The Dems snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in 2016. I don't think they're guaranteed a win this year. I'm torn though. I'm a commie so fuck Trump AND Harris. I wanna fight Project 2025 or whatever it's called but I really despise Biden/Harris' foreign policy. I want a single Palestinian state and no foreign intervention. Anyone here with me?
  2. Democrats have no values besides valuing power. Bingo Neo-Nazis have increased in voice, power, and visibility ever since Obama's defeat of Clinton in the Democratic primaries.
  3. Kopmala's background would make it hard for me to vote for her ngl. I didn't like her stance on trans people in prison or her attacks on black families.
  4. IMO anyone could beat Trump as long as they aren't Biden or Clinton. They won't need much time.
  5. If that happens, I will DEF vote Jill. Replace Biden with one of the progressives!
  6. imo if it gets to the point where they need a committee to watch over Biden's health, he isn't healthy enough to be in office.
  7. I'm pretty sure we've had banned users who supported Trump here.
  8. 1. Kamala empowered the anti-black and anti-brown carceral state by putting WOC in jail for truancy. 2. a LOT of people want to break out of the 2 party dictatorship but are afraid to because of the shaming and guilting people engage in when they talk about it. IMO the Democrats aren't bad at politics. They know exactly what they're doing: everything they can to empower Republicans so they can use fear to motivate non-Rs into supporting them via votes and money. They don't care about anything but money and power. tbh idc if they have decency or class as long as they serve the workers.
  9. seal the animal or seal the singer?
  10. good. idea: a Green x Democrat collaboration: Jill Stein/Cornel West 2024.
  11. baddisease

    Katy Perry

    is this new song worth listening to? I only like Teenage Dream (album) by her. I can't be mad at Katy for working with Dr. Luke (which is disgusting and cancellation worthy) bc I still like Lady Gaga after she worked with R. Kelly (also disgusting and cancellation worthy). But I do hope her new album flops. [Would I be a hypocrite if I did cancel Katy in my home? At least Gaga admitted to being wrong for working with R. Kelly.]
  12. I think it's sad innocent people were killed or hurt, but IDGAF what actually happens to Trump.
  13. he basically wished Trump well and said he would have the Secret Service do an investigation into what happened.
  14. tbh you're right. that's what he's doing right now.
  15. They do if they believe they are in the right. I think to make mental health the focus of the discussion puts the actual issues off.. For instance: Dylann Roof shot up a black church, not bc he was mentally ill but because he believed in white supremacy. When people tried making mental health the problem, they made discussion of radicalized white supremacists dissolve.
  16. eh I don't think mental health is always the motivating factor behind mass violence.
  17. I'm a leftist and agree w that position. you're right tbh
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