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Posts posted by PrettyBaby

  1. Well, basically, I enjoyed making a deluxe version of Paradise so much that I decided to make a deluxe version of AKA! I didn't want to make one of BTD cause A) it's got a deluxe and B) it would be 30 tracks long (the way I make it). Speaking of being too long, this one is 26 tracks, so I've split it into two "discs" each with their own name, but also a name for the album overall. Did that make sense? Also, I'm probably only sharing disc 1 so far, because I haven't listened to disc 2 enough to be happy with it yet.


    Lizzy Grant: Back to Santa Monica


    Disc 1: Night Time is Almost Ours

    1. Jump

    2. Afraid

    3. Gramma

    4. Television Heaven

    5. For K Part 2 (use the demo cause tbh it's better)

    6. On Our Way

    7. Oh Say Can You See

    8. Back To Tha Basics

    9. Queen of the Gas Station

    10. Butterflies (Part 1)

    11. Raise Me Up

    12. Is It Wrong?

    13. Smarty


    It's still under revision, and help is also welcome! Maybe its just me, but god I love some of the flows im there i.e. Gas Station -> Butterflies Pt. 1. Will post "Disc 2" soon.


    Title = swag. Continuing from my last post...


    Lizzy Grant: Back to Santa Monica


    Disc 2: From July to July

    1. Never Let Me Go

    2. Kill Kill

    3. TV In Black & White

    4. Pawn Shop Blues

    5. Tired Of Singing The Blues (You know you love that flow)

    6. Yayo

    7. Stoplight De-Lite (song is underrated IMO)

    8. Little Girls

    9. Every Man Has (Gets) His Wish

    10. Brite Lites

    11. Take Me To Paris

    12. Mermaid Motel (Take Me To Paris will probably be replaced, but the flow for the last 4 works surprisingly well)

    13. You Can Be The Boss


    Enjoy :)


    These are both beautiful! No NEED to change a thing :)


    I would just suggest a few things to make it flow even better:


    Instead of "TV in Black and White," which sounds like she still wants to be with him, I'd use "The Man I Love" which seems a more natural transition from KK to PSB. (If you're a purist and don't want to use a fan remix, then you could use the "Trash Magic demo" which TMIL is from, and it still flows between the songs really well.) Plus, that way you won't be reusing TVIBAW from Paradise: Oasis ;)


    I love Take Me to Paris, but somehow it seems wrong for AKA. I think Queen of Disaster fits really well here, now that you've taken it off Paradise: Oasis.


    Personally I found Stoplight De-Lite slightly jarring after Yayo. I think if you switch SDL and EMGHW it flows better.


    So this is what I'm suggesting:


    Lizzy Grant: Back to Santa Monica


    Disc 2: From July to July

    1. Never Let Me Go

    2. Kill Kill

    3. The Man I Love (or Trash Magic demo)

    4. Pawn Shop Blues

    5. Tired Of Singing The Blues (You know you love that flow)

    6. Yayo

    7. Every Man Has (Gets) His Wish

    8. Little Girls

    9. Stoplight De-Lite ([agree this is a great song!])

    10. Brite Lites

    11. Queen of Disaster

    12. Mermaid Motel

    13. You Can Be The Boss



    I know I'll be listening to this playlist a lot! :D AKA is my favorite, but sometimes it helps to mix things up.

  2. You're ChazDesigns?!? You're a Lana fan you're here you're ChazDesigns no way! :excited:


    I'm a huge fan of your work on The Game Which Shall Not Be Named Resource! Is there any chance you would consider doing a version of Lana for The Game Which Shall Not Be Named 2?

  3. Oh, I guess I'm using Beautiful Player between Cola and G&M. And QOD instead of On Our Way (which would fit thematically, but again I think the sound is more Lizzy than Lana.)


    So here's what I'm suggesting right now:


    Paradise: Oasis Edition (my version 2)

    1. Paradise

    2. Burning Desire

    3. Heavy Hitter

    4. Body Electric

    5. Mermaid Motel

    6. Cola

    7. Beautiful Player

    8. Gods & Monsters

    9. Ridin'

    10. Ride

    11. Queen of Disaster

    12. American

    13. (Take Me to) Paris

    14. Goodbye Kiss

    15. Yayo (2012)

    16. Hollywood's Dead

    17. Blue Velvet

    18. TV in Black & White

    19. Bel Air

  4. Is a post after a post allowed? I would edit but my previous post was huge enough :P


    So I'm still looking for some help with The Oasis Edition, but I made some revisions!:


    Instead of LGOE and Beautiful Player in between Body Electric and Cola, I now have Mermaid Motel. It really does fit the style of both songs, and unlike most AKA songs, she sings (or talks? lol) lower. I took out Ridin' after Cola, and moved Hollywood's Dead in-between Cola and Gods & Monsters (a darker-style song fitting both). However, I now need a song in-between G&M and Ride. I then took out Butterflies Pt. 1 and put On Our way in between Ride and American, and it fits nicely. The rest of the playlist is unedited.


    New order:

    1. Paradise

    2. Burning Desire

    3. Heavy Hitter

    4. Body Electric

    5. Mermaid Motel

    6. Cola

    7. Hollywood's Dead

    8. Gods & Monsters (Need a new song after this. Suggestions?)

    9. Ride 

    10. On Our Way

    11. American

    12. Take Me To Paris

    13. Yayo

    14. TV In Black & White

    15. Blue Velvet

    16. Queen of Disaster

    17. Bel Air


    Help welcome! :D


    Aw, no LGOE? I guess maybe it is too "down" for the Oasis Edition. Hmm... I do like Ridin' between G&M and Ride. (Actually you made me finally like this darn song Ridin' at long last! :teehee: ) Definitely an added perspective. Though if you start to feel like it just doesn't fit, I think Beautiful Player would work here as well.


    And I also do like Mermaid Motel between Body Electric and Cola. A little crazy, in a good way :)


    I guess I feel like for all its dark overtones thematically, Hollywood's Dead's SOUND is just too chipper or something to flow easily with G&M. (Tho putting it before G&M does help). I like HD a lot near Yayo.


    Also, Queen of Disaster seems way too happy to go near the end. I think of Bel Air as being a relief from the tragedy of Yayo. So BA needs something to be a relief FROM, like TV in Black & White. Does that make sense? Meanwhile, QOD helps transisiton from the sort-of-heavy Ride to the happier-sounding American.


    Of course it's your playlist and these are only suggestions. (But I know what order I'm using on my iPod :D)

  5. I see you've posted again before me... I'll go ahead and give my feedback so far before checking out your revisions...


    Hey guys, I need your help to make an awesome playlist! Basically my idea is Paradise, but pretending it had its own "deluxe" version (not an original idea, really, but whatever), and making the songs flow in a different order with new songs added in-between the original songs (originally only wanted one in between each song, but I needed two on some of them for a better "flow"). I'm not very good at making songs flow, so I need some help :D  At the end, I'll state what I particularly need help with, but all suggestions are welcome!


    Paradise: The Oasis Edition (Was gonna call it Paradise: Tropico Edition, but isn't 'paradise' 'tropico' in another language, lol? So It would be Tropico: Tropico Edition lawl):


    1. Paradise

    2. Burning Desire

    3. Heavy Hitter

    4. Body Electric

    5. Last Girl On Earth

    6. Beautiful Player

    7. Cola

    8. Ridin'/My Bitch (Does this stick out too much?)

    9. Gods and Monsters

    10. Hollywood's Dead

    11. Ride

    12. Butterflies (Part 1)

    13. American

    14. Take Me To Paris

    15. Yayo

    16. TV In Black & White

    17. Blue Velvet

    18. Queen of Disaster

    19. Bel Air


    Okay, so I'll go in order of the playlist of what I like or need help with; I really dig the flow between Paradise -> Burning Desire -> Heavy Hitter -> Body Electric. Then, I originally had Beautiful Player, which I think goes good with Cola, but LGOE fits Body Electric. Should I keep both, one, or any suggestions on one song that fits both? Then Cola -> Ridin' is okay, IMO. They both have that "badass, don't care" feel but I don't know if Ridin' belongs there, and it doesn't flow much into Gods & Monsters. However, I love how G&M goes with Hollywood's Dead, as they both have darker tones that fit. However, I think I need either a song to go after G&M into Ride, or a single song that fits both. I like Butterflies after Ride, has they both have that "leaving" kind of tone. I dig Ride -> Butterflies (Part 1) -> American -> Take Me To Paris, but it doesn't go well with Yayo. I like Yayo -> TVIB&W -> Blue Velvet -> Queen of Disaster -> Bel Air (but does QoD fit in there?) Sorry for the mega post, but I could really use some help as this playlist is going to serve a purpose for me! Any help is appreciated. 

    This is really good! :hdu: For those of us who need Paradise to, ah, lighten up to get into it...


    Actually I think Ridin' fits in this playlist just fine. (If you're going to include a song called Ridin' and one called Ride, I say just put them one right after the other. Own it, lol! And also it's like the second one is making a commentary on the first; adding a new dimension or something.) The one song that does seem out of place, unfortunately, is Butterflies. I love the song, but it definitely sounds more Lizzy than Lana, just because of the quality of her voice. I think the playlist flows without it, but if you feel like you need it thematically, may I suggest replacing it with something like Goodbye Kiss?


    Paradise: Oasis Edition (my version)

    1. Paradise

    2. Burning Desire

    3. Heavy Hitter

    4. Body Electric

    5. Last Girl on Earth

    6. Cola

    7. Beautiful Player

    8. Gods & Monsters

    9. Ridin'

    10. Ride

    11. Queen of Disaster

    12. American

    13. (Take Me to) Paris

    14. Goodbye Kiss (replacing Butterflies Pt. 1)

    15. Yayo (2012)

    16. Hollywood's Dead

    17. Blue Velvet

    18. TV in Black & White

    19. Bel Air


    Hope this helps with the flow :)

  6. Just saying, the playlist isn't bad, I listened to it and it was pretty good :P anyhow, what song from AKA would you say fits best for BTD? I definitely say Little Girls, maybe Jump or For K Part 2. Others are too slow or poppy for BTD IMO.


    I don't think any of them fit BTD, but if I had to pick one I'd say "Oh Say Can You See" ...slow works IMO.

  7. I made my own America playlist called *Trailer Park Fireworks*

    Americana playlists are the best hell yes :flutter:


    Here's my latest:




    America's Sweetheart

    1. Driving in Cars (demo)

    2. Puppy Love (Marilyn Monroe)

    3. Hollywood's Dead

    4. Million Dollar Man (demo)

    5. Lucky Ones (demo)

    6. The Man I Love

    7. Dangerous Girl

    8. On Our Way

    9. Summer Wine

    10. Queen of Disaster

    11. (Take Me to) Paris

    12. Prom Song (Gone Wrong)

    13. Back to Tha Basics

    14. Never Let Me Go

    15. Yayo (2010)

    16. Kinda Outta Luck

    17. Blue Velvet

    18. TV in Black & White

    19. Oh Say Can You See


    UPDATE: alternate cover:



  8. Also, wanted to share a playlist. Just a heads up, I'm not very good at making songs "flow" per-say, so bear with me :P. Anyway, this is basically all the (speculated) outtakes from Born To Die, as I thought that would be cool to listen to. Beside the track name I will put the name they were speculated to be titled as on Born To Die (if they have an alternate title). Also, some tracks never leaked, such as Roses and Are You Ready:


    Dark Star (Title suggestions welcome :P "Dark Star" is named after a line in DICWB):


    1. Take Me To Paris

    2. Queen of the Gas Station (Gas Station)

    3. Lolita (Hey Lolita Hey) I chose demo #1 for this playlist.

    4. Hundred Dollar Bill

    5. Little Girls 

    6. Kinda Outta Luck

    7. Last Girl On Earth

    8. Live Or Die 

    9. Mermaid Motel (Mermaid Hotel)

    10. Driving In Cars With Boys I chose the one where she sings lower, to fit BTD. Also, is that the demo or studio version?

    11. Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) (Raise Me Up)

    12. Velvet Crowbar

    13. You Can Be the Boss

    14. Smarty (Smartie)

    15. Marilyn Monroe/Puppy Love Thought this would be a good finisher..?


    Enjoy :D . And if you have any suggestions about the order, they're welcome!  :agree:

    Edit: Oh god.. someone else already posted it, pretty much. Byeeee  :toofloppy:  :rip:  :troll:

    Double Edit: Well, on further investigation (lol jk), they're not the same songs anyway. However, I have AKA songs and is it true that they were gonna be on it? I've heard of Little Girls being on it, so maybe it's true. Anywho, I got the list off of one of the wikis, but seriously, them wikis need some updating on lists and such, lol.


    I've never heard that AKA songs were considered for BTD. Little Girls/PMIAM seems like a particularly odd choice. This might be the most eclectic collection of songs I've seen yet... (yeah, good luck making that flow)  :)


    DICWB, the one you chose, is considered the final version; the one in which she sings higher is often called "Driving in Cars (demo)." I like the title "Dark Star."

  9. But what makes a person say to themselves something like, "I was born to be the other woman?" :ohno:


    I think maybe people saying some not-so-helpful things, people close to them, can be a part of influencing them to give up in some way  :(


    Just musing. I agree, everyone has their own stuff going on.

  10. da da da da da da da da da da da da FLASH [boom] AH-AH... savior of the UNIVERSE! [strum strum strum strum strum]


    (I was ten, okay?)

  11. QueenofAlchemy_origbackgroundbyunknown_o


    Queen of Alchemy

    1. My Best Days

    2. Hundred Dollar Bill

    3. Off to the Races

    4. This is What Makes Us Girls (demo 2)

    5. Serial Killer

    6. Heavy Hitter (James Dean Remix)

    7. National Anthem (Final+Demo Remix)

    8. Come When You Call Me ("version 2")

    9. Dum Dum ("version 3")

    10. Diet Mountain Dew (album version)

    11. You Can Be the Boss

    12. St. Tropez

    13. Jealous Girl

    14. Match Made in Heaven

    15. Brite Lites (album version)\

    16. Daddy Issues

    17. Hit and Run

    18. Summer of Sam

    19. Paradise

    20. Blue Jeans

    21. Delicious



  12. The top half turned out great! Not sure about the bottom half... maybe make her nails darker red (to match her lips) and make the jewelry platinum or copper (or less yellow gold)?


    Forget I said anything. I've been staring at it in full and it's gorgeous!

  13. Well, he's absolutely right that we need to be free to talk about pedophilia as abuse. And free to use pop culture, e.g. songs by Lana Del Rey, as a jumping-off point for that. So kudos to him for trying to make that point.


    But if he really wanted to dialogue about it, and really wanted to dialogue about it on Twitter :facepalm:  he could have at least worded it something like "seems pro-pedophilia" or "is anyone else getting a pro-pedophilia vibe?" or pretty much anything besides a bold, flat-out accusation. I'm thinking the six-hour retweet was a middle finger to ridiculousness.


    But he comes across to me as seeking to draw attention to a legitimate issue. I wonder whether he's ever heard "Butterflies Pt. 2." For all its pop appeal, that song is simply heartbreaking.


    I wish, in this information age, that more secondary schools would offer a class specifically in Communication Ethics. old.gif

  14. Has anyone by chance made a break up playlist? I could really use that.  Her breakup songs are some of my favorites but I don't have the right 'flow' to be able to create a decent playlist.


    Wow, you're right, it IS hard to find the right flow with these songs. Not just because they span genres. There's also many, many reasons why people break up. And different stages of breaking up.


    Well, this is what I came up with... hope someone enjoys it finds it cathartic!


    How Do You Like Me Now?

    A Star for Nick


    Get Drunk

    Kinda Outta Luck

    Junky Pride

    End of the World (live)

    Pawn Shop Blues

    Goodbye Kiss


    Kill Kill


    The Man I Love

    Jealous Girl

    Break My Fall

    American Dream (Damn You)

    She's Not Me


    Radio (demo)

    outro: She Walks Into Mine

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