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  1. SugarVenom liked a post in a topic by Mommy's Mercedes in Us Against The World   
    :) please...you've had this song for ages.
  2. SugarVenom liked a post in a topic by SweetLikeCinnamon in Celeb of the Year 2012: Vote for Lana!   
    Whatever. You are annoying. Shitney Sucks. You Suck. End of convo.
  3. SugarVenom liked a post in a topic by Mommy's Mercedes in The Mike Mizrahi Movie Mystery Megapost   
    Anything about the Rex Lee movie with the famous Yellow and Blue Scarf. Is this part of the same conspiracy?
  4. Butterfly Knife liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    The English teacher has a 1967 Chevy..
  5. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in Other names for Lizzy   
    Junky Queen Of The Silver Screen
    Miss Florida Dark Trailer Park
    Seven Eleven Trailer Heaven
    Miss Monaco
  6. Tyler liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    If this is legit, I find it sad how someone could do this to someone they knew.
  7. SugarVenom liked a post in a topic by HeavenBaby51 in Kween Carmen Electra is giving Lizzy Grant free promo   
    Am I the only one who thinks this song is horrible?

    and the only thing that does make it good is the fact that Lana Del Rey is mentioned?

  8. SugarVenom liked a post in a topic by Mommy's Mercedes in evilentity's covers-themed Lana Del Reydio show December 15   
    why are you so awesome evil?
    Will we get anyword on the Elvis Song Lana said she was trying to put on Born To Die but didn't because she couldn't get permission from Priscilla?
  9. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in Kesha   
    I know, right! I skipped Thinking of You for about a week as the intro put me off so much, then I had it on shuffle as I was falling asleep and was like omg what is this how can I have not heard it! All That Matters is so catchy I can't get it out of my head! Yeah same, I haven't really heard anyone say Dirty Love is their favourite. Iggy Pop makes it even worse~ I can't even think about his verse it makes me cringe
  10. SugarVenom liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Kesha   
    Omg, we agree on so many things!! I didn't think anyone would get my angst about the intro to Thinking Of You, or the annoying yet catchy beauty of All That Matters! I also think it's really funny that Ke$ha's admitted favorite track on the record (Dirty Love) has gotten the most negative reception from most of the fans. Yay for similar opinions.
  11. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in Kesha   
    This is written from my iPhone so expect a lot of typos and weird autocorrects..
    Warrior~ 6/10
    This track is fun and gives you a flavour of the album, but I think it has a pretty weak chorus. I actually like the chorus lyrically but it just isn't catchy or memorable. This album is definitely a step up from the previous album, and this song as an opener doesn't show that, as has Ke$ha's normal rap/speaking verses and a singing chorus.
    Die Young~ 8/10
    Although a very generic Ke$ha song, she pulls it off as it is so catchy. It was a good choice for a single, but I would have liked to see a slow song as a single, but that's just personal preference.
    C'mon~ 7/10
    Again, this is a song which feels like we've heard it before, but is that little bit better than past songs like it. None the less, it is a fantastic song and the production is great. This song says that Ke$ha is back and better than ever.
    Thinking of You~ 9/10
    This song really has everything. The only thing I can say to fault it is the intro isn't very enticing for some reason, making it a song which is easy to skip and not appreciate until you listen to the whole album straight.
    Crazy Kids~ 5/10
    This song is just so boring. The chorus is pretty stupid lyrically and not especially catchy. I feel like she's trying to do a bit of a Nicki Minaj on us with the pronunciation in the verses and she just hasn't managed to pull it off. The whistling thing is just annoying.
    Wherever You Are~ 7/10
    This song is just so cute but oh so tween actress turned singer. I love the pre chorus, but the verses and chorus are a bit too cheesy for me. As a whole, it does work, though.
    Dirty Live~ 3/10
    I want to love this but I hate it even more every time I hear it. Without Iggy Pop it would have been bearable, but his verse makes me roll my eyes. Also those gospel choir sounding bits annoy me so much. This song is trying so hard to be something, but urgh, it's terrible.
    Wonderland~ 10/10
    This song is just incredible. The lyrics make sense and Ke$ha delivers it flawlessly, and sounds so honest. I love how the album has songs like this and contrasting songs showing how she can pull of both extremities.
    Only Wanna Dance With You~ 8/10
    The things that puts me off this song is the introduction, it's so cheesy. Once I overcame it I realised that this is a really great song and very catchy.
    Supernatural~ 5/10
    This song was such a disappointment. I like it, but I was expecting more. I just don't get it especially.
    All That Matters (The Beautiful Life)~ 7/10
    I actually love this song. Yes, the intro is annoying, the lyrics are generic and boring, but the chorus is so catchy!
    Love Into The Light~ 6/10
    This song could be great, but it just isn't there. It sounds very bonus tracky, but the chorus is quite good. I do like it, but it's not very memorable.
    Last Goodbye~ 8/10
    I really like this. On the first listen I found is pretty average, but it's grown on me a lot. It is a generic pop song, but a very good one. I like Ke$ha doing these slightly stripped back mid tempo songs.
    Gold Trans Am~ 7/10
    I love this, but after Last Goodbye I can't help wishing the rapping/speaking bits were gone. I like them, but there have been so many so far in the album they're beginning to sound old.
    Out Alive~ 7/10
    This song is a good dance track, but just lacking something special. It sounds a bit like a track just added to fill up a gap.
    Past Lives~ 10/10
    This is flawless. It's really raw and emotional, but still catchy and nice to listen to. Some songs on the album are trying a bit too hard, but this sounds effortlessly amazing. Such a great song to close the album with.
    Highlights~ Thinking of You, Wonderland, Past Lives.
    Lowlights~ Crazy Kids, Dirty Love, Supernatural.
  12. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I love it when lana does her rapping attempt talking thing in songs
  13. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I love it when lana does her rapping attempt talking thing in songs
  14. lola liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Order of Yayo's from best to worst~
    No Kung Fu
  15. Madrigal liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I love it when lana does her rapping attempt talking thing in songs
  16. SissyRëyLDRsparkjumprope liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I guess I was excited about Paradise and in the hype of it I thought it was incredible, but looking back on it I'm a bit disappointed. I mean, it's exciting to have a new album and the songs are great~ but they weren't as spectacular as I anticipated.
  17. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Yes! The intro is booootiful. Hate the into of the AKA version so much ew :ohreallygirl:
  18. SugarVenom liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    The No Kung Fu version of Put Me In a Movie shits all over the AKA version.
  19. sprkljumpropegangsta liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Didn't notice that~ thanks! I said back in the thread I think or on PM to someone, not sure which, that Mr Campbell has a 1967 Red Chevy so it fits!
  20. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Order of Yayo's from best to worst~
    No Kung Fu
  21. evilentity liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    It's pretty pitiful that people would spend their time running these blogs
  22. SugarVenom liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Kesha   
  23. SugarVenom liked a post in a topic by Just Cherry in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    Do you really think we'll buy your bullshit, boy?
  24. SugarVenom liked a post in a topic by lola in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    i'm pretty sure this guy's trying to turn us against each other.
  25. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    Guys, I'm leaving the forum.. I've left Lana for Ke$ha because I dared to listen to an artist other than Lana.. :mhm:
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