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Everything posted by toshi

  1. People really complaining about her voice for that first Love performance? She sounds perfectly fine....
  2. Id be ok with Lana using an old song but turning into something completely new, sort of like when Lady Gaga made 'Fashion Of His Love' using 'Earthquake' which was a leaked song.
  3. I've always wondered why Lana doesn't record acoustic or even just regular performances for her YouTube. She sings her songs on Instagram and even makes little videos. She could do a full performance in a studio and just stick it on YouTube for her fans to watch and gain numbers. It would be great because there would be no one there to watch her so I'm guessing she would feel more comfortable since she doesn't really enjoy TV.
  4. Lana is #2 on trending on YouTube, Katy is #3. Slay Lana!
  5. That sounds great! I can imagine radio would play this tbh.
  6. Ok I liked it at first but then those beats just turned too loud. I wouldn't mind it if it was like the very first part though, its better for the radio being a bit more upbeat.
  7. Fair enough if you both think this, but you're going off one song. This song is such a Lana song too, like its exactly the type of song I would expect her to sing, its similar lyric wise to Art Deco for me. I'm pretty sure Lana will release many more albums in the future.
  8. I'm listening now. I love the crisp clear vocals on this song!
  9. Shall we change the title of the thread to 'song I want Lana to cover'
  10. Personally I love HM, but I agree with everything you said about BTD. Yes its more commercial but that doesn't mean its a bad album, also Lana is not that commercial even with her most commercial album so ya'll can stop acting like she would release her Prism album.
  11. I sort of go with images for what I want Lana to do, so basically I want palm Trees, sun, big lips, beehive hair, smoking, sexy daddy. Basically I want her album to be summer af! I would love it if she went a bit more upbeat this time, and I love Honeymoon but a change would be great which is what Lana usually does for each album anyway.
  12. Lana's rich. I'm on about label support, Lana probably doesn't fund her own videos, the label will so the fact that the label are possibly giving her a high budget for the video could mean bigger things for the album.
  13. Thing is with her videos, yes they all probably have quite a high budget but comparing the videos from BTD to the rest of her videos, the budget and obviously got lower and lower, I mean BTD + Ride are all huge videos in every way, MTWBT is a good video, but its nothing compared to the BTD videos, nothing on HM is. HBTB is one of my favourite videos because the story line is great and sure she has the helicopter but I bet it cost no where near the amount that BTD cost to produce.
  14. Someone said about a more radio friendly album/single since apparently this new video is amazing and possibly high budget. That statement does make sense as I'm guessing the label would be funding the video and probably would only give a high budget to something they see being successful so yeah maybe radio friendly Lana is coming
  15. Is it possible to see Lana's live stream on Instagram from a laptop? It doesn't show all the little circles like those snapchat things it has on the phone version.
  16. toshi

    2017 Performance Dates

    I've only got to see Lana once and I really want to go see her again, I feel lucky though as I got to see her in a theater which was incredible and a perfect setting for her show. I won't go to festivals so I'm praying she does a tour with this new album and actually comes to the UK.
  17. That's the problem with fans of any artist, they always have something to compare them too in the past, whether it be a past song or an album. Thing is some artists don't listen to their fans at all but its for the best because they grow and release something their fans didn't even know they wanted or thought that artist was capable of.
  18. This! Everyone blames Rick for everything when in reality Lana has so much say in her own music. I get that Rick doesn't really challenge the way Dan did with Ultraviolence so I think that's one of the problems people have with Rick, but really its Lana's fault not his. I just want the big budget video's back and it looks like this video is amazing so that is amazing news, all I need now is a bee hive hairstyle, bee stung lips and glamorous styling. Oh by the way is my set working? I finally managed to get an avatar, is it working?
  19. Paradise is a lot more commercial than Honeymoon to me though, her only very different sounding album out of them all is UV and even that has her sound. I can understand why people want a sound similar to UV more than the others because it was a step forward rather than staying in the same production. Personally I love her sound so I feel like we should be wanting something completely different, not a new BTD or UV just something with her sound but new. Black Beauty is incredible though so anything that sounds like that for me is a winner, Hollywood is a great track too and upbeat for Lana. I wouldn't take Eclipse's opinion too seriously either, its just one persons review.
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