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Everything posted by toshi

  1. Yeah so sad those era's had no so great videos. Shades of Cool is actually gorgeous too though, so at least there's that one. I can't believe she said she didn't bother releasing Honeymoon's homemade video because it went nowhere but released that tragedy which is Ultraviolence.
  2. Your signature is gorgeous and makes me miss the BTD videos....
  3. She's bringing back that BTD style back, minus the red hair, but she really suits blonde hair!
  4. She looks bored as fuck on the second two photos! Ha
  5. toshi

    Ariana Grande

    I adore Moonlight, I think its going to be one of my favourite songs in general.
  6. She probably went ginger first as its safer than going to straight to blonde so really her hair is probably quite healthy. She looks lovely blonde, I never really liked her blonde on the photos before she was famous but I'm digging it tbh.
  7. I imagine it would come out around spring/summer, Lana seems to release around that time usually.
  8. You judging that based on these photos? She looks fine to me.
  9. Definatley her first 3 songs. Video Games will always be her iconic song I believe, and of course Born To Die as that set the whole era.
  10. I wish Lana would do a proper tour.
  11. I want to see her but not at a festival..
  12. I can imagine a huge budget video for Salvatore as well. Shame her label didn't use it as a single, its such a great song and one of the most listenable songs for casual fans.
  13. I don't like festivals, girl please do some solo shows.
  14. I like it but each to their own. Still my point still stands, there's no need to put down another artist just to compliment another, even if it is Lana. We all know Lana is great already.
  15. I'm going to Italy in 2 weeks and Salvatore is making me excited.
  16. Is Lana up to something music wise maybe, since when does she go to all these events. Surely the promo is for no reason other than she felt like going..
  17. I disagree with these comments about Adele, I'm not really a fan myself but there are some gorgeous songs on 25. All I Ask, is an incredible song! Her music is commerical yes, but it's definitely not Eurovision types of songs. Just because Adele belts too doesn't make it screaming, she's a great live singer. I much prefer Lana, but you don't need to put another singer down to compliment another.
  18. This is the best she has looked for ages! I wish she had this styling when she started the Honeymoon promo. Well the few days of promo we had .
  19. The one good thing is I can imagine Lana really doesn't care about winning so that makes it better.
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