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Everything posted by toshi

  1. For me its one of my favourite albums of all time and ICONIC!
  2. The Blackest Day! I'm hoping that is another Black Beauty sadcore smash!
  3. I actually love that album cover, I'd be happy if that was real.
  4. I'd be a bit cautious around her if I was a paparazzo after watching her new video.
  5. Since Lana has similar themes in each of her albums, what themes are you hoping are strong on the album? I personally love her bad boy themes to be honest, so I'll be happy if she brings that back. I also enjoy her drug related songs too.
  6. I would be happy if she decided to have an outfit like this for one of her videos.
  7. So was it correct then that she was number 7 on the charts?
  8. OMFG I love the fact she took down that helicopter with a fucking nerf gun haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
  9. Yeah I feel like its likely it will be on the album as she spoke about it quite a lot.
  10. OMG she is number 7 on the billboard hot 100???? YAS LANA YASSSS
  11. I really hope MTWBT is on Honeymoon, I know she changes her mind rapidly so I won't be too shocked if its not, but it sounds like such a great title so I really hope we get to hear it.
  12. toshi

    Book Thread!

    Hello, I'm going on holiday so I'm looking for some books to read, but I want them to be of a certain mood and storyline. I hardly read so I really wouldn't know what to google properly for this, and since the themes match some of Lana's music I thought some of you might have some good suggestions. Firstly I'm buying Lolita to read, I can't wait (I actually made a thread about that already) I'm coming to LA! Wooo - Anyone out there give me some advice? What to do, what to wear, where to find hot boys haha For the books though I'd like to read stories that remind me and are similar to the themes Lana uses in her music, such as bad boys etc, summer, Los Angeles, The other woman. All that stuff she has in her music constantly. Also I'm dating a guy, which I'll put in spoilers, I'd like to read any books that I can relate too, if theres any you guys can think of. Not looking for relationship advice by the way haha, I'd just like to read something to relate too. Lana's music is great to listen to as the lyrics have so much depth when it comes to relationships that you can almost relate most of it too your own life. Thanks
  13. I quite liked it actually, I mean at first I was like, please don't tell me this is going to be her walking around her house. But then when she shot the helicopter it all made sense. She sent out a strong message with the video too which I think is great. Honestly i'll probably hardly watch it and its nothing special in terms of visuals, and as long as we get some high budget videos from this era, I'm fine with this being a small budget movie.
  14. Actually if it does sound anything like West Coast I'll be happy, that song is just the best during summer time, especially Rick Nowels version.
  15. The Beehive is back!!! A new song!!! I wonder what's happened to Music To Watch Boys Too. I'm guessing that will be on the album still and possibly be the second single, she did say she shot two videos, and I'm pretty sure Honeymoon wasn't one of them. I love Honeymoon so If this has the same vibe to it (I don't mean slow, I mean they're conhesive with each other as part of an album) I'll be happy, a bit of a faster song would be good though, or even an Off To The Races speed bop please Lana.
  16. She looks gorgeous there. Nothing else needed.
  17. HM a misleading single..... its not a single, she just put it up there because it gives the whole vibe of the album. I'm sure the lead single will be coming eventually.
  18. Yeah Lana said they spliced the tigers in after, something about them attacking her because she was female I think.
  19. I loved the palace, it was great. Being in the room where Lana was sat on the throne, was just fantastic too see. I could literally picture her sitting there with the tigers next to here looking bad ass singing Born To Die. I think Born To Die is my favourite video like ever, so its such a treat for me to be able to see the rooms she filmed in.
  20. Hi, I posted up about 2 weeks ago asking questions about the location Lana shot her Born To Die video. I went there last week and got some photos for you all. I made a new thread as I've been now and I have new photos to upload. Hope you enjoy. (By the way I have the Yayo wallpaper in better quality if anyone wants me to upload it for you)
  21. I know that UV was a mess of an era, but I actually feel like this era hasn't started badly yet. I actually think they're taking things slow this time and they might actually be planning everything properly. I mean the song Honeymoon came out, but there was nothing said about it being a lead single, its just there to create excitement and a bit of buzz about the album. Nothing has really been said about a lead single coming out anytime soon, although I imagine it will be out soon, otherwise the hype will die down. I take album dates with a pinch of salt as they never happen. I'm not being quick to call this era a mess because I don't feel enough has happened yet, Honeymoon hasn't been released for that long, I think we're just impatient now as Lana has been speaking about the album for months on end. She's not the only artist to speak about music too soon though. I'm hoping that after the last era, the label are really taking control of everything and it will be much smoother.
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