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Everything posted by Nick

  1. I'm a tenor in my school's choir, and a few of her lower songs are in the middle of my range, so I never thought that she would actually be classified as a soprano.
  2. The movie looks horrendous, but I love me some "Burning Desire"
  3. I ordered that, but I'm still waiting for it to arrive I paid around $8, including shipping.
  4. That website has a bunch of great fan-made slimline singles of National Anthem, Blue Velvet, and Blue Jeans... I want to make some myself now!
  5. It looks awesome! Thanks for posting pictures!
  6. I just ordered Dark Paradise, too, but I got the cheap shipping. So it'll take two or three weeks to get here
  7. People voting for Body Electric This is a hard choice, but I guess I'll go with Yayo. But I still love that song, too.
  8. My Ride picture disc vinyl came yesterday in pristine condition! It's my favorite picture disc so far
  9. I love the video! Is it just me, or are the vocals a bit less fuzzy than the iTunes version? They still sound a bit muffled, but not as bad.
  10. Can anybody confirm the legitimacy of this sticker? I bought this Blue Jeans promo single off of eBay and everything looks completely real besides this sticker, which differs from Dimitry's collection site... I don't know if they ran two different types of stickers for these things or what, because everything else is identical to other ones I have seen online.
  11. Nick

    Lady Gaga Hate

    Finally, somebody who understands my problem
  12. Nick

    Lady Gaga Hate

    I'm not going to fumble around with Paint for twenty minutes and piece together a bunch of screenshots just to show everyone that Britney was at the bottom of the list Well, he said that one leg of Britney's tour could out sell the entirety of a Gaga tour. That's the point I was trying to make.
  13. Nick

    Lady Gaga Hate

    I took a screenshot of it: I can't fit all 42 slots of the chart in one screenshot. I was able to prove my point with the top fifteen, anyway
  14. Nick

    Lady Gaga Hate

    Actually, I do believe you lose this battle, because I see Gaga but i definitely don't see Britney anywhere on this list... Second, Amazon chose to sell her album at $0.99, not her. Third, "Scream & Shout" is the worst song Britney has done to date. And I'm not even going to get into the playback thing, because I've seen Gaga perform with live vocals. Can't say the same for Britney.
  15. I don't think there's any "forcing" going on, but I'd assume she's probably still under contract to release another album or two.
  16. Nick

    Lady Gaga Hate

    The fact that you are comparing Gaga's concerts to Britney's is dizzying. Britney doesn't even bother singing live anymore, and she's simply old news. She's nowhere near the quality she used to be and Gaga is infinitely superior. This giant ball of hate towards Gaga on this forum is the reason I rarely post here; I just lurk. I understand this is Lana Boards, and not everyone is going to like Gaga. That's fine; that's their opinion. However, many members here constantly make snotty little remarks that are simply flame bait, and yet is somehow still allowed around the forum. Calling her ugly, saying she's trash, etc. It's all inappropriate. We get it, you don't like her. You don't need to say anything else.
  17. I don't know if these would be considered unpopular opinions, but I hate the majority of LDR A.K.A. LG and 75% of her unreleased work... And I LOVE the cover of Paradise.
  18. Nick

    Song vs. Song

    Go Go Dancer vs. Paradise
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