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Everything posted by Heartmachine

  1. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    ...but ...but all the next level PC music material from literally years ago now?
  2. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    "Charles, you got me freakin" out, you got me spinnin' ROUND tonight!" (...iconic melody) lol Seriously though, I hope it's coming... I hope it's ALL coming!
  3. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Man... you're almost breaking into concept album territory lol, that's a cool take on it.
  4. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    I'm telling you guys... the queen snapped lol.
  5. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Don't get me wrong though, I'd be happy with Focus too lol. I wonder if the single release will have any album release info tied to it... like literally every big label single release tends to do? (...except for Charli.)
  6. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    It's far from my favorite thing I've heard from her, but it's aightt... I like it. She's so versatile... like she can pull off any sound, it's crazy.
  7. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Imagine some alternate, perfect utopian universe where it was actually Round and Round finally being released to the world!
  8. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Seems like Charli is doing a few side gigs on this tour... maybe she'll do one in FL and if she does, I'm there!
  9. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Sounds like the same version maybe, just with some live programming and mixing/effects. Synth-pad/drum-machine type stuff... Edit: Listening again... Charli is too good. I'm her number one fan lol.
  10. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Charli, A.G., and SOPHIE... the XCX3 trifecta! We can hope...
  11. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Listening to POP2 like... "I GAWT IT I GAWT IT I GAWT IT..... ch-ch-ch CHAAAALI!" :defeated:
  12. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Charlotte is (by far) the coolest lady in pop... why don't more people understand this?
  13. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Yessss.... Charli's voice! :flutter:
  14. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Pretty sure Charli did like this crazy shriek/scream into the mic and they sampled it... it's in Trophy and TKO and stuff too. I think it's pretty rad personally lol. Sounds cool...
  15. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Being a natural born stan, I watched a couple of Charli's BTS videos of the tour. She looks so happy... We love a happy queen!! :flutter:
  16. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Woah heyyy, I wasn't claiming to know anything at all... I said that I *wish* they could or would ask questions like this, rather than the typical "good interviewer" PR stuff lol.
  17. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    You know, when Charli is doing PR stuff and whatnot, press/media days, I wish these interviewers would ask her more informed questions... and yes, I'm heading down that direction again lol. "Hey Charli, you've teased some new songs in the last couple of years... what ever happened some of them, like Round and Round??" "So Charli, a lot of fans are clamoring for songs like Taxi and Bounce on social media... what's going on with those?" "Are there any further plans with the Vroom Vroom sub-label?" Or at least just ask some better, more interesting questions. Not "what does XCX mean?" or whatever... It's like a conspiracy or something, that all radio stations have to ask her what her name means, because it hasn't been confirmed 15 thousand times already in the last couple of years, and it's impossible to find with a simple web search. Ugh...like use your platform as a vehicle to relay REAL meaningful info please.
  18. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Anyone think GNO sounds a little demoish? I like it and it could be a smash... in a live setting it seems to sound good, but it needs a little... something for the record maybe... slight tempo boost, tweaks to the mix... something. Idk.
  19. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Bounce isn't dead because songs never die... wish Atlantic would see things that way.
  20. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    White Mercedes... Also... "Rollercoaster ride, in the fast lane..." "Boy, it's like a rodeo, we're on a rollercoaster ride..." "Round and round and round, round." "It's like we're living in a daydream, skylines spinning round and round..."
  21. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    THIS. IS. A. VIDEO... it has to be! XCX3 coming soon!? :defeated:
  22. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Well, I mean... Charli has had quite a few particular lyrics/themes carry over from song to song, and from demos to released tracks too, sooooo... You never know.
  23. Heartmachine

    Charli XCX

    Yeeaaah me too, but prob fake.
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