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Everything posted by Harlem

  1. Harlem

    Princess Diana

    still not entirely sure who she is i know she's 'princess diana' but thats about it oh and she died that too
  2. i'm still wondering how a decent looking lana vests doesn't exist yet i've seen some nice t-shirts but they're restricting and annoying as fuck and i cba with the whole 'cut it into a vest thing'
  3. Harlem


    i am still not over amanda dying a m a n d a not even kidding cried like a little bitch what the actual fuck and are they fucking kidding me no new episode until march 10th can someone just die
  4. Harlem


    still stuck forever listening to this
  5. i can't even handle these photos fucking hell literally her best look yet sum1 cpr
  6. Harlem

    Charli XCX

    She was at Larry Tee's Super Electric Machine Fashion Disaster Part on sunday, had tickets to go but didn't in the end. ugh
  7. btw if anyones looking to grab a copy, my friend is setting up an export business and can get them ~ http://www.facebook.com/NoCountryForTallMenExports - Just send him a message about it
  8. Harlem

    LDR Tour Poster

    wth i want one for london . _ .
  9. Ordered my copies, i'll try translating when it gets here.
  10. Harlem


    pointless thread #1001
  11. literally the king of this song on karaoke
  12. how can you even say that this season has been amazing so far
  13. take like 1000 naked pictures and video's then send them to my email knowing i'd be back to me next week
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTZu5e7uTL8 my emotions with this song
  15. Are you actually serious omg The logic here is amazing. A complaint is valid, so lets continuously voice it even though it serves no purpose other than stating whats already been said numerous times and irritating others.
  16. i swear to god american lana fans are the whiniest
  17. wht is ur obsession with seeing everyone's itunes collection srsly it's weird?????????
  18. Why do you have it as 'Born to Die: The Paradise Edition' Yet the cover art is for 'Paradise'
  19. 'looks like Lana after just putting on make-up and a wig' :brit: She looks nothing like Lana
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