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Everything posted by clementines

  1. I hope she reworked it (im really sorry if this is a double post I don't know how to add a quote)
  2. Garden of Eden sounds SO FAKE, but also like the collapse if it was real... EDIT: i thought it was rumored to be a new songs it makes sense if it's from 2012
  3. clementines

    Melanie Martinez

    I think After School is her best work to date, every song on there is one my faves in her whole discography the only on that was kind of lackluster for me was The Bakery
  4. Idk maybe the mixing was off at my show, don't get me wrong i would still 1000% go see her live again.
  5. i saw her on the la to the moon tour and you could barely hear her over the backtrack in most parts, her voice after endless summer was never as good and that’s fine but it’s true
  6. that sounds very Love and Stupid Love, hope it doesn’t turn into another LFL situation
  7. im only talking about her having kids because Chuck is pregnant and we all knows she wants them, sorry
  8. Knowing that she wrote this by herself it makes sense, I've always preferred FINNEAS' stuff to hers so the songs they work on together are always my favorites (especially when he's harmonizing on the track)
  9. the way this mv could set up perfectly to be a pregnancy announcement is insane i don’t think it is but it would be such a cute way omg maybe chunk will be in it omg that would be the cutest
  10. how do you all feel about the song i like the video I think it’s beautifully shot but it’s a tad bit boring
  11. ohm geeeeee if that birds story is actually from a photo shoot for the album I WILL SHIT MY PANTS
  12. clementines

    Melanie Martinez

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gmiu12XaELlEEQ1BTmKnhVLAEW6IrC5z/view?usp=sharing That took way longer than I thought it would sorry
  13. wait how long is the track and how do we know that?
  14. clementines

    Melanie Martinez

    I made a Mel masterpost if any of you guys would like one. It has full Metadata and it's almost in the exact order of every leak. EDIT: the link will brb i messed up the metadata on one of the tracks
  15. idk it's a short snippet but it doesn't rlly sound like Mike Dean produced it
  16. edit: i’m gonna remove the og post bc i think it probs wasn’t appropriate to talk ab something like that on here sorry <3 anyways hope we get to hear the full song soon!
  17. sounds kinda like daddy jack has left the studio
  19. i need y’all to start making covers for BB like y’all did for RCS
  20. SO ITS BLUE BANISTERS NOW? lord help me if that’s the album cover
  21. I was really hoping Therefore I Am wasn't on the album i don't like that track at all...Everything I Wanted should've made is on there. (also my future not being capitalized like the rest of the tracks is bothering me)
  22. this but the version they accidentally posted on youtube
  23. clementines

    Melanie Martinez

    when are these from?
  24. so do we know if Lana and Clay are still together like are we getting love songs or breakup songs
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