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Everything posted by clementines

  1. i dont like the snippet of the new song, i just listened a couple times i hope i like it though cause i love the title
  2. the only collab that would fit NFR perfectly is FJM he doesn't have one bad song
  3. i saw him in front row at my show, if i was in the pit and he pushed me i would be FUMING she also skipped like a group of people to take a selfie and talk with him
  4. i think Jack will push her to put these on the album, he looked so into them and everyone there loved them
  5. Lizzy is just fine (unlike honeymoon lana poor girl lost her password BYE)
  6. i hate country with a PASSION but like....this is perfect
  7. if she does this im unstanning (even tho i never really could i am still gonna say i would)
  8. if she doesnt give me the damn STUDIO VERSION IN THE NEXT 2 WEEKS IM GONNA EXPLODE
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