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Everything posted by clementines

  1. if she doesnt give me the damn STUDIO VERSION IN THE NEXT 2 WEEKS IM GONNA EXPLODE
  2. i hope if she does HTD its better than last time, she was really feathery
  3. i just need good recordings ESPECIALLY IF SHE DOES A NEW SONG
  4. were you not here for the honeymoon era? i really think she peaked there
  5. shes wearing jeans and a sweater btw she looks good af tho
  6. i wanna hear HIAB and/or Sylvia and i want them 2 be released
  7. I've decided i don't like baby live she misses so many notes and it just doesn't sound that great
  8. clementines

    Song vs. Song

    Y&B vs For K Pt. 1
  9. clementines

    Miley Cyrus

    i no like it, i think her voice is TO COUNTRY for a song like this
  10. clementines

    Miley Cyrus

    is it gonna be country???
  11. its basically the first concert date, a video of fire, and get well soon in a demon voice and people think someones gonna try something at the first show
  12. https://www.instagram.com/p/BqnGEuwHnBG0pFFWdhzCp4XEuVNFTqJgamroJU0/?utm_source=ig_web_options_share_sheet have yall seen this???
  13. i think we'll get something soon like the next 2 weeks, she's being really active
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