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Everything posted by HigherThanHope

  1. "EP3". I'm saying thank God she finally started titling her discog with MEL.
  2. When her next release is EP3... then what ☠️
  3. I think there are a few 2017s... Faster might be? Or maybe it was 2016? I also want that "cherry soda" song but don't think anyone has it. Shocked no one noticed Got You Babe was a song we had a snippet of too for years and years
  4. PM and Puppy are apparently earlier than I thought, though they sound Capri to me MOH I don't have and Sweet Y&I I've never heard of? LLLOOOVVV is radiant me era probably? Kind of a painful audio experience tbqh
  5. I would have guessed it was a MEL outtake, could fit nicely there, esp with I'm Your Doll
  6. Suh king on myyy teeeeeet When I tell you I gasped aloud the first time I heard it.. ☠️
  7. The Rick songs are better labeled pre-Capri. They may have been mixed again in 2021 but no new vocals or production was done (I believe?), Just using older vocals/production.
  8. The dell ooh jzun of it all
  9. She'll never drop WDYLM - and let's pray someone in her team has the sense not to drop that Strip Tease tragedy... Drop the bops and dance bangers, girl, not that hideous noise
  10. HigherThanHope

    Dua Lipa

    When it becomes the new OK dance meme and inspires her to get better at acting. And then what!
  11. Not positive tbh Dowry is real! I never put 2 and 2 together "dowry" is a cute word for "diary", just like "muva" and "mother" lol she's cute BTW: are you on popjustice?
  12. There's some incorrect info going on in the twigs thread on leakedis. The 8 main Rick tracks existed prior to "post-MAG"; the reason there are 2019-2021 versions is cuz they kept working on them from earlier years. And don't forget the Russian Boy movie she was working on music for... Rick also did YYY (I can't remember if that's the version that leaked or if that was Dowry) plus Move Yuh (which I never figured out if it existed before MAG or is a CAPRI outtake - I think it might be).
  13. She has like one leaked unreleased dd
  14. We WON WHEW But still no HWWT so we lost if we're honest..
  15. It's very unfinished tho - and only like two minutes of vocals sadly ☠️
  16. Yeah! Tantalus and TEOL are such statements though; I do think she should have kept them but for both she changed to a more positive title because the originals sounded negative LOL DF is good conceptually as a title but def misguided people... Choreomania fits and sounds sooo much more unique
  17. Better maybe but Lungs is punchier and much more unique than the kinda tired "heaven and hell" trope. As almost always, Florence knows what's best (just like switching Violence to Ceremonials). But I'd have kept HBHBHB as Tantalus and HAH as The End Of Love tbqh. And I have always wondered if DF was ever titled (the much superior) Choreomania
  18. FATM6 when Or at least answer Calvin's calls for the third collab he wants! A side Florence bop would be amazing
  19. They're hackers and/or leaches of information for online clout with a little too much time on their hands; let's not glorify them too much in 2023, the easiest it's ever been to be an InSiDeR!!!
  20. SAWAYAMA was one of the worst deluxes imaginable; still triggered by that. I'd love Missing Summers to be added, just to have a 'complete' HTG collection. Mission U was also just randomly registered again... I don't mind her tacking on RS1 leftovers if it means getting HWWT!
  21. Album out in Sep - The Rise & Fall of a Midwest Princess
  22. Always knew you were a creep; didn't realize ableist was part of the package.
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