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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. the problem with this single release is that as soon as they remove the banner and when its removed from hot tracks, it will plummet out of the top100 within a few days, just like Love did.
  2. song also dropped a few places on itunes and spotify
  3. i don't think that the song debiuted at #30 in the UK. For mid weeks it's #30.
  4. All lies. Lana is having lesbian sex with Katy Perry. I am sure Elle approves.
  5. Lana stans, especially in the US and UK, just need to learn to fuckin stream. Imagine, if you play Love on Spotify you are giving Lana a coin. She has given us a lot of songs to enjoy so it's time to pay back, I guess
  6. Love is about to reach 1 million likes, had any dislikes and yet....It's actually unbelieveable how well received the songs are and they still underperform. And they are even high quality pop songs. It's not some random garbage. I truly don't understand it.
  7. slay. would have been much cooler if her inbred stans had gotten an iTunes link form her to go along with it.
  8. Sweetie, we have a reason for meltdowns if the album sucks. I agree that it is obvious that they have spend a lot of money in making this album. It's easy for everybody to see when you look the credits up on wiki.
  9. i think ppl expected something else from this. i mean, it's called "lust for life" and it sounds like they are ready to die
  10. it's flopping. ppl are not here for it. she should just drop the album and call it a day.
  11. LFL plummeting on Spotify, too. In the US it has even fallen behind Mr Gag. doing worse than love. @meiammariah
  12. Then stop liking every shit I post on this forum, Little Ratster.
  13. It will do whatever it will do anyway. No reason to be stressed out. Just because Abel is on there, it doesn't mean it will become a hit. And it will get the same treatment from her label, her other singles have gotten too. Abel also never pushed any of his songs with Lana, especially Prisoner, cause he knows she will not properly promote. He did this cause he is a friend and wanted to contribute to the song. It will end up being another wasted chance however, I am not mad though. I appreciate the song for what it is, still lowkey hoping Interscope / Polydor will do the right moves.
  14. Lawd have mercy when Lana stans can not read kworb properly . It's almost charming
  15. NO dude, it's not. Learn how to read kworb before you try to lecture me
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