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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. this was posted back in July? How come that it wasn't discovered way earlier? I mean, you guys are way quicker usually...
  2. I had literally NOTHING to do yesterday. It is holiday season and before I drive out to see my family on Christmas and party with friends when I come back on Thursay, I thought that I give it a shot and look everything up to maybe find some information. Usually, I never see such things, but when I saw To The Rescue, I thought: well, waaaaaaaaaait a second.
  3. I don't mind him either while I think that yes (it has been stated many times before) his sound does tend to be repetitive sometimes. On the other hand, the day he posted that picture of Lana in the studio titeled "To The Rescue" could that mean that it is a new song?
  4. So random, I listened to this interview for the first time after the time it was aired. And to all people who have hoped that Emile would go away, she kind of reveals a plan here for the years to come Starts at around 2:35 "I know that we will be working on all the records to come"..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmO26UMXbFc#t=123
  5. Trendy Queen, plz give us some info on the new alberm helping me to get through Christmas dinner with family, k? Thx. I think I need to fix my avi.
  6. OMG!!!!! WILL WE GET VIDEOS FOR ALL OF THEM? WILL LANA TURN THEM INTO A 3 DAYS LONG "SHORT MOVIE"?????? cuz makin videos as long as the fuckin song is so basic, tbh
  7. Welp, personally I just want her to win. I guess, that is fair enough, isn't it?
  8. well, if I was an author of some material and somebody goes around and tells people he wrote this material, I would be fuckin pissed, tbh. Even if it was unreleased material.
  9. Maybe people should contact Lana's team and ask them about it. Maybe they won't respond but take legal action. You can not just go around and ask to take videos down on Youtube. And obviously he can fool evewrybody on his Facebook, so why would it be a problem to trick Youtube for a random video?
  10. Oh, don't get me wrong. I am not saying that she should just upload her new album on iTunes without previous promo since her biggest market is Europe and iTunes is not big in Mainland Europe. So it would definately hurt her sales. And of course, Lana is nowhere near Beyonce in terms of popularity. All I am saying is that with Beyonce we have seen that there are obviously different strategies to "promote" an album. Maybe the 3 or 4 months in advance announcements are a thing of the past. The label reveals a release date and you have to wait, wait AAAAND wait for the music. Most people don't want to wait anymore. They want it quick and they want it fast and when the album drops, they have already moved on.
  11. Y'all will roll with your eyes since she is the most talked about artist since Friday, but Beyonce has just shown how to think out of a box when you release an album. Of course, if any other artist drops an album like her it will just be a copycat. But Universal and Lana's team should take notes how to make a campaign interesting.
  12. of kors, there needed to be songs called "Gangsta" & "Daddy" and of kors Kanye as a producer chain smoker? she was indigo? your drugs? one last drink?
  13. Sadly, I doubt she is going that route with Ultraviolence. But Haunted is such a great song, the production is ace. The video is simply amazing as well.
  14. Just like every other artist on a major label, she probably has deadlines to finish something
  15. Well, with the picture of Dan Heath and now heading to Europe with her guitarist, she is probably much further in the process of recording Ultraviolence than we think.
  16. She is very popular in Germany. Many of friends and co workers have bought Born to Die.
  17. I just hope that this era won't be as fucked up and messy as Paradise was, but that won't happen anyway. She has became a big name and money plays a much bigger role than before. They will plan this wisely. The world is gettin a bit sick and tired of the typical pogirls. Just look at how Katy (which is still doing the best right now), Gaga and Britney (and Beyonce will probably end up the same way) are underperforming in terms of album sales. Their latest albums won't outsell Born to Die worldwide.
  18. It's risky to release an album in spring / summer. Sales during these months are the pits. But hey, last time she released End Jan (which is also dead season) and the album sold 116k in the UK, so who knows?
  19. How DARE you! Lorde is a feminist and Lana is not. And Lorde is writing about the relevant shit, ya know? And she is so not tired of telling it in every interview, but she is too precious to tell us all directly that she is better than everybody else. She just puts it in a way that we ALL see the light The other popgirls feminism is not right. She will tell you what's the right one, cuz she is an ugly teen that knows it all. Pretty people don't know shit, cuz they're pretty. She is ugly and she has read some books, y'all! Pretty girls just read Cosmo. And in all seriousness, I hate that fucking cunt.
  20. Hopefully we will get more information about the album very soon if she isn't in a very early stage of making it. END THIS MESS, LANA! #spillthetea
  21. Ok, this was a mess. And with all he is stating, we can for sure say that Live or Die won't be on the album. "It's in the pool" = won't make the cut. I would have been more than suprised anyway. I can't see recycling her leaked material. To me and to some others, it just seems that he wants to be recognized, which is a fair thing. Maybe the approach of how to get it has changed after this experience.
  22. this old tea won't be on the album. Y'all want songs that are ages old to be on a new album? No thanks.
  23. Srsly people, he just doesn't strike me as somebody who knows what he is doing. Why would he "reveal" that one of his songs will be on her album months and months aaaand months before even a tracklist is revealed? Either he is trolling or just a fool.
  24. I think we are seroiusly messing with him right now, but it's a good kii for the moment ETA: DON'T FORGET TO CREDIT HIM, HE SEEMS TO LIKE IT
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