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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. Well, on a positive note: he / she declared for like a hundred times already to leave, so I guess I will not have to do it for much longer. And I really do not consider it rude. It's helpful. I am helping the unfortunate ones whenever I can. I am such a saint!
  2. I all seriousness, I am doing charity right now by trying to help you how to use a forum properly. instead of asking, sometimes reading is fundamental, you know? it also comes in handy when you do not rush into a thread saying stuff like: "it's coming thursday" when you don't know shit. just food for thought!
  3. are you unable to check out the last page or what?
  4. Good ol times. Lana on German TV for the first time. Also a classic tv show here. She looked so beautiful here. And blonde https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clGpZdf3bwY
  5. we all know who will pushed by ben anyway. yeah like, i do not even care anymore. i just want the album and then move on
  6. it's BBC 2 yeah. she was there twice for that show in 2012, like goodness....HALP somebody pls!
  7. in the UK of course. i srsly wonder that you guys don't even know she was there. like, that is essential lana fandom knowledge. it does not even need to be looked up. i'm sorry, but sometimes i believe this page is full of 13year olds now
  8. still remember when she performed ride there. all the other performers did two or three songs, but lana did only one
  9. Born To Die 24 Blue Jeans 26 National Anthem 42 Ride 42 Tropico 31 Shades Of Cool 47 Love 21 Is there a chance to give Tropico -100? Asking for a friend
  10. you really think rhyming stranger with stranger was much better?
  11. Sweetheart, go back stanning for Bjoke on ATRL and stop pretending you know anything bout charts and where would you be in that story?
  12. whatever it was, it can not be correct since you can not see videos that there are private anymore.
  13. sure that's why she had roar and dak horse and outsold chartdrop 2:1. lol
  14. why don't you just go to gagadaily then?
  15. oh snaP! now you goT me with that "look at your avi"-drag from 2010! just as outdated as gaga herself
  16. We srsly need new music from her. Everything else is just the pits
  17. maybe YOU are garbage if you stan for that RAT. sweetheart, his fave is taylor swift. gaga wishes! I agree with you once again. It's really encouraging to see that us attractive ppl do not support this woman. Beauty WON!
  18. how can you be THIS ignorant and not call Video Games and the others pop songs? Do you even know what pop is or do you reduce pop to only being "ma ma papapa" or justin bieber tunes? I swear, some of you...
  19. Lana Del Rey is going with her friend Katy Perry to watch a Gaga concert. Prententious anti-pop stans LOST!
  20. turns out lana was reading all my posts here and there is a katy perry collab on the new album. puposefulpop queens!
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