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Ivory Cricket

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Everything posted by Ivory Cricket

  1. I would be freaking out. Stay safe sis! Practice extra hand washing and try not to go out unless needed Stay safe too! I hate knowing y'all are so close to this I have the flu as well (Not Corona) and work at the registrars of a University. People are acting like I'm the walking black death.
  2. I just about spit my matche late and throw my Jojo Rabbit blueray reading this. I couldn't imagine being a fan and seeing sis out an about after canceling a show due to being sick. I'd cry but then laugh and offer sis some coffee.
  3. My second "shot" was sarcasm, not myself objectively claiming the word. I didnt think it would go over anyone's heads, but well, WHAT can ya do?
  4. It's not so much Lanas anttics that crack me up. It's the fanbase. Especcially those who believe they understand the political opinions of others fans.
  5. It has been absolutely hilarious to read this thread in the past 2 days. These people triggered over poetic word usage is the best.
  6. This please. The more that I look at him the more I feel like he probably smells like canned ravioli and feet
  7. I still dont know what the fuck I just watched. I'm considering pouring myself a cold beer and going to bed.
  8. You do realize your just going to get warned again, right?
  9. I love him. Best boyfriend since Barry
  10. I would give up all the dark chocolate I have hoarded in my kitchen, my favorite, fluffiest slippers, my nutravapes, and all my bacardi for THIS
  11. I must confess I never knew what Jack looked like, so when I started seeing gifs of him on this board, my first thought was that they were from a meme about a parody of some autistic man spazing out. mod note: user was warned for this post
  12. But I love that man Like no body can He moves mountains and pounds them to ground again
  13. Im screaming. I need more information on whatever this mess is RIGHT NOW
  14. I honestly can't finish the entire song. I get weirded out and feel like it should have ended at least two or three sentences sooner.
  15. The articals showing that vaping is killing/making people sick are almost entirely from thc,illicitly sold chinese based vape juice that use cheap vitamin e as a stabilizer for the oil for thc or cbd.The center of disease control literally has the statistics online for anyone to view and the major consensus as per them is "THC is present in most of the samples tested by FDA to date, and most patients report a history of using THC-containing e-cigarette, or vaping, products."
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