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Ivory Cricket

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Everything posted by Ivory Cricket

  1. I seriously don't get why there is so much hate going on with this issue. No one is ever happy when sis dates a new guy. That being said bring Barrie back sis. I miss him.
  2. Maybe she is looking at the camera after she finally notices the pap there. That's happened before in a lot of other candid's that we have all seen here.
  3. OMG THATS WHO IT IS. I was trying to figure out who he was reminding me of and that's it
  4. The Bartender choreo is so terribly distracting... It would be so much better if they just sat that one out. That was probably one of the best highlights of this show. The fact that the audience was dead silent just bad it that more fabulous.
  5. She did outstandingly better this time around. The instrumentals and vocals were excelent.
  6. You asked me a question. Semi-autos are better for bird hunting because you can only (legally) shoot when they are in flight. It's okay if you disagree with it, but saying people have to die in order for me to hunt is kind of reaching... Again, lets agree to disagree.
  7. Whaaaaaat? Girl, lets just agree to disagree. I can see automatics being banned, but semis too? No thanks. I'm also thinking your not clear on what a semiautomatic is. Most of the shotguns and rifles that a normal sporting goods store like Acadamy sell (which you say are okay) ARE semiautomatic.
  8. I'm totally for owning them for home defense and hunting. I'm not saying to go out and get a M16 or anything like that though.
  9. Totally agree with you on that. It's a good lesson not to profile someone based on their looks right?
  10. Okay I really need stop you for a second.. You say "when the racist culture doesn't affect you", as if I am not a minority. I am (crazy y) cubano (como yo) with parents who fled to the U.S. Now that we have cleared that up, again I'm not seeing how taking away guns that I have lawfully acquired solves racism.
  11. Why not focus on the racist culture then? I'm all for stricter gun control, but maybe I'm missing the purpose of taking my guns away?
  12. I'm not sure why you are assuming I'm trying to rile anyone up.
  13. A loss to her fan base? Don't speak for all of us. It's a win for me.
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